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  Stock Chart


Stock Chart (or Stock Graph) is a powerful tool for the data visualization and analysis of price movements over time in stock, derivative, currency, bond (credit/debt), commodity, and any other markets.

Since Stock Charts are designed to display how variables change over time, it is important to remember that this type of graph supports no other scale than the time scale.

Generally speaking, a Stock Chart consists of two core parts: the plot and the scroller.

One of the most notable peculiarities of a Stock Chart lies in its ability to accommodate a number of various chart types on the same plot. For example, it can fit Area, Line, Candlestick, OHLC, Range Spline, and other series.

No matter how many series are displayed on a Stock Chart, all of them share the only two axes.

The second main element of Stock Charts, the scroller consists of a scrollbar, two thumbs for adjusting the zoom, and a generalized thumbnail chart that ensures convenient navigation when the main chart is zoomed in. The scroller is helpful in scaling all graphs on the plot, making it easier to review data within a certain time period.

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