Stacked Area Charts are popular in showing changes of a volume or an amount of something during a period of time. A Chart of Area type looks like a Chart of a Line type, which has the space between the Line and the X-axis filed with color. A 3D Area differs from a 2D Area only by its appearance, as a 3D Area series has a visual third-dimension axis which holds no additional information.
On this Chart, you can see three series representing changes in the profit of the company in three regions: Florida (light blue series), Texas (dark blue series) and Nevada (orange series). The range of Y-Axis holds the values from 0 to $450 thousand, when all series are enabled, and the time period range displayed on the X-Axis is from 1996 till 2015. The legend is enabled on this chart, so you can easily disable a series and make the chart more graphic. You can select the points, but note that all three values will be selected simultaneously and the more series are enabled, the deeper the chart becomes, so it causes points displacement on the chart in relation to the X-Axis. Tooltips are enabled are set in union mode, so you can see the company profit in all three regions together.