Range charts are usually used when it is necessary to show how a range of some values changed in dependence on time or a noncontinuous variable that is represented by the categories. Column Charts are the best way to show how an amount of something changes, and Range Column Charts show changing of a range between the lower and the higher boundaries of some amount.
This sample is a dashboard of two charts: a range column chart describing a range of temperatures during one year and a column chart below showing the precipitation totals. On the first chart there is a horizontal grid enabled, making it easier to watch the values. The Y-Axis holds the values in F°, from 15 to 90, and months of the great are categories which are distributed along the X-Axis. The second chart shows the precipitations in mm, and the range of the vertical axis is from 0 to 6. The X-Axis of this chart is the same as of the first one. Both charts have the labels on, they are being displayed over each column. Each tooltip of the both charts shows the category (the month) and the value (range of values for the range column chart).