Stacked Bar Charts are usually used when it is necessary to show several series of the similar data when all values of one point form a whole. 3D is only a visual setting that holds no additional information.
This Chart demonstrates how much revenue a company had from selling each of the top 10 cosmetic products in four regions: Florida, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. Sales in each state form a separated series, and sales of one product in all states form a whole revenue value for this product. The legend in the chart is enabled - enable and disable the series to see how the whole value changes according to which series are enabled or disabled. The categories are distributed along the vertical X-Axis, and the Y-Axis holds the values from $0 to $60 000 as usual. When series are disabled/enabled, the Y-Axis value ranges changes due to the series left in the chart. Tooltips demonstrate values for all series simultaneously.