Heat Map is a kind of chart which looks like a table, filled with colored cells. So, the data points of a heat map are individual values with three parameters at least: column, row and heat (or color). Points are most likely to represent values, which belong to some range, and all points are being colored in accordance with this range color. The ranges and their colors are usually defined through Color Scale, but there is also an option to color each point separately.
This Heat Map shows the statistics of sales made by all teammates in a period of a 2014 year. The Y-Axis holds the months, the teammates names are spread along the X-Axis as categories, the origin point is in the top left corner; each cell of this table is a point containing the value of sales volume, which is later used by Color Scale for coloring the Heat Map. There are five ranges formed and used by Color Scale, so the lowest range from 0 to 25000 is colored the lightest yellow and the highest range from 80000 and higher is colored the brightest orange. There is a legend enabled in the chart, so you may use it to highlight and selects all points belong to a range by clicking on its legend item. Also you can select plenty of points by holding the Shift or the Ctrl key. When you hover a point you can see a tooltip with the team member name as its title and the value and the percent value in the tooltip’s body. Also this example has an interesting feature: if we’ve got a lot of information we need to show, we can enable scrolling to save the cells of some size we need or want them to stay.