Line Charts are usually used when we need to display the data that can be represented as a table on a worksheet. Line Charts are used to display some changes over a period of time, something like temperatures or rates. Line Charts use normal dimensional coordinate system.
This Line chart shows customers activity during the week. Three series represent reviews about the product, comments in blog and e-mails to delivery support. All series have different colors; all of them are bound to the legend items. Legend is enabled, so you can manage the chart by clicking or hovering the legend items (the series will be switched on/off or highlighted). Each point is marked and labels are enabled for all series, so you can see the values next to the marked points. There is a big difference between the values counted on working days and those at the weekend, so scales type is changed to logarithmic to make the chart easier to read.
Crosshair enabled in the chart. Axis labels are highlighted when a crosshair line passes them. Tooltip is shown for all series each time the crosshair hovers a point as well. The weekday becomes the tooltip title and the rest of the information is shown in the tooltip’s body.