We usually use Linear Gauges in cases when it is necessary to demonstrate a single value or measurement like the temperature, strength or loading progress. Those gauges can use no elements besides the gauge - or pointer - itself: some gauges like a loader or a battery charger have no axes, no tooltips or labels, no grid or markers. Though, all of these can be used if necessary.
This dashboard is a demonstration of three lemonade types cooking scheme. Three linear gauges looking like stacked columns represent the Quick, Strawberry and Ginger Lemonades' compositions. For example, the first bar pointer consists of three components: water, lemon and sugar. Each component has a marker with its name and a label with the amount of this component should be put into the drink. It is possible to select the components. The dashboard is built through the Table Layout, so the text elements above the bar pointers are no more than a part of HTML code.