Linear Gauges are good at imitating real gauges of a single value or measurement, like thermometers or loaders. Few elements are used for them as they are not necessary quite often. Though, legends, axes, tooltips and other elements can be added, like in this sample.
It demonstrated two thermometers, one of which is for °C and looks simple and has an only scale and one axis. Is has axes labels on, each axis tick is 5°C. The tooltip is enabled, it is also rather simple, showing the accurate value of the temperature (12°C). The second thermometer is a sample of adding a second scale and axis and coloring the axis labels. The additional scale and axis represent the temperature in °F, which is more popular in the USA than measuring the temperature in °C. The axis labels, which values overcome 0, are colored in red through the HTML code. Each gauge has a tooltip with the temperature value.