Sparklines are small charts with no axes, labels and tooltips – they are intended to display the situation in general, opposite to basic charts which show as much as possible using all appropriate features.
In this Dashboard Web Analytics for one month is shown using basic Line Chart and a table with several Area Sparklines below. The Line Chart has two series, one for the current month and the second for the last month. The series’ points can be hovered with the crosshair. There is no X axis; tooltips hold the days as titles, and both numbers of visits for the same day in the current and the last months are given in the tooltips’ bodies.
The table with sparklines is divided into two parts, it gives more detailed information. The left part shows the Session Metrics for 30 days: Unique Sessions, Page Sessions, Page per Session, New Sessions, Bounce Rate (in %), Av. Time on Site (in ms). The right part of the table contains Traffic Metric for 30 days (Direct Traffic, Traffic from Referring Sites and from Search Engines) and two Goal Metrics. All totals are given for the 10th of March 2015.
The Area Sparklines have no axes, tooltips or labels, as usual for Sparklines. Though, the lowest points are marked.