Sparklines are compact charts: lines, areas or columns without labels and any decorations. They present the general shape of the variation of temperature, pressure, speed, humidity, stock prices or any other measurement. Sparkline can be intertwined with the text or placed into the table cells. Most of series and chart types are created to give as much data as possible, sparkline chart is a way to focus on the main point of interest and make a chart as compact as possible.
Sparklines are good not only at showing rates, but also for showing score. There is a special sparkline type used predominantly for scores in sports and games – WinLoss type. It shows no values but positive and negative positions (1 and -1).
Here we see a score table for English football teams. First column contains numbers in order, the second one is for teams‘ names, then two columns with win score and loss score, and in the fifth column, which is the widest, we’ve got winloss sparklines, which show no value except for “positive” and “negative” (1 and -1) values. Negative values are colored in red; positive are blue. The last column of the table contains the percentage of victories.