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AnyStock - биржевые JS графики

– основанное на JavaScript решение для создания биржевых и финансовых графиков для Веба.

Stock Market Fundamental And Historical Data Feed API

AnyChart partners with data providers to offer you fundamental data,
real-time and daily historical stock prices for stocks, ETFs and Mutual Funds all around the world
60+ Fundamentals, Historical prices, LIVE Prices, Options, Split/Dividend data, Volumes
We keep the data in simplest format ever - CSV (compatible with XLS). It's easy to develop, debug and check the data.
 Low prices
In opposite to other services, here you pay only for what you need. Our prices start from $19.99 per month.

Subscribe Now!

Choose your plan and specify exchange, if you need only one. All USA stocks counted as one exchange.
And you'll get an API key with instructions how to use it.

Fundamental Data

  • 100 000 API requests per day
  • All major exchanges
  • 20 0000+ Mutual Funds
  • 6000+ ETFs
  • Comprehensive fundamental data
Save 50%

All-in-One Package

  • 100 000 API requests per day
  • Ultimate Package
  • EOD data - All World
  • Fundamental Data
  • Bonds Data
  • Options Data
  • Splits and Dividends
  • 250+ currency pairs

Calendar Data Feed

  • 100 000 API requests per day
  • Upcoming Earnings
  • Upcoming IPOs
  • Upcoming Splits
  • 60+ supported exchanges

EOD Historical Data
all world

  • 100 000 API requests per day
  • 60+ stock exchanges
  • 100+ Indexes
  • 25000+ Mutual Funds
  • 270+ Forex and Crypto pairs
  • Live Stock Prices
  • Adjusted closes included
  • Splits and Dividends included

Stock Options Data
US only

  • 100 000 API requests per day
  • Top 4500 US Stocks
  • Options data in JSON
  • In The Money
  • Bid-Ask prices

Bond Data Feed
US only

  • 100 000 API requests per day
  • US Corporate Bonds
  • Bonds Fundamental Data
  • Bonds Historical Data
  • Prices and yields
  • Access via ISIN or CUSIP
  • Flexible data access
  • JSON data output

AnyStock Chart with EOD Data

The sample below shows how to parse EOD JSON feed and use it in AnyStock Chart.

// due the EOD CORS policy, you need to get data on the server side
// you can use our NodeJS server demo to get the data from EOD
// https://github.com/anychart-integrations/anystock-eod-integration-sample
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
  // create data table on loaded data
  // date field defines what field in EOD JSON data provides dateTime
  var dataTable = anychart.data.table('date');

  // map loaded data
  // fields' string names are equal to EOD JSON data fields
  var mapping = dataTable.mapAs({
    open: 'open',
    high: 'high',
    low: 'low',
    close: 'close',
    value: {
      column: 'volume',
      type: 'sum'

  // create stock chart
  var chart = anychart.stock();

  // create plot on the chart
  var plot = chart.plot(0);

  // create candlestick series on the plot
  var series = plot.candlestick(mapping);
  // set series settings

  // create volume series on the plot
  var volumeSeries = plot.column(mapping);
  // set series settings


  // create a logarithmic scale
  var customScale = anychart.scales.log();
  // sets y-scale
  chart.title('Stock chart based on EOD data');

  // set container id for the chart and initiate chart drawing
  // initial zoom to the last 100 points
  chart.selectRange('points', 100, true);
