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AnyChart OEM License

This license is for anyone who builds an application or suite of commercial applications to be sold either through direct or other distribution channels to your customers, businesses or consumers and is installed on the customer's premises or infrastructure.
Basic Info
  • The license also allows for up to 10 developers to work with the product.
  • This license allows you to utilize the AnyChart products as part of your software solution.  If you have multiple products, which you would like to use AnyChart Products in, please contact sales@anychart.com to discuss.
  • You are required to the product name of your solution at a time of purchase.​
  • The purchase of an OEM License includes 10 hours of AnyChart support. If you need additional support please contact sales@anychart.com to discuss options.
Versions & Upgrades
The OEM License is perpetual.  During the period you are licensed to include AnyChart in your products, you can utilize the latest version and upgrade your existing customers accordingly.
For Licensing Fee’s and further information please contact sales@anychart.com.
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Более 75% компаний из списка Fortune 500 и тысячи стартапов довольны работой с AnyChart.