New article “Creating interactive digital dashboards from scratch” by Tim Loginov
October 29th, 2007 by Anton Baranchuk
Like the instrument panel in a car, the computer version-dashboard displays critical info in easy-to-read graphics, assembled from data pulled in real time from corporate software programs. Dashboards deliver the detailed information needed by everyone for day-to-day decision-making. Simple yet powerful analysis allows any user to discover vital trends in business performance and continuously monitor the performance of your organization at all levels and in real time.
Dashboards provide your business with real-time business intelligence across all areas of your company – from accounting and sales, to fulfillment and support. The Dashboard offers instant snapshots of your designated key performance indicators (KPIs), and provides real-time trend graphs and ad hoc reports appropriate for each role in your business. With direct drill-down capability, you can move from a summary level directly to greater detail, and you can see real-time information to proactively manage for better results.
While most enterprise dashboards in production are probably still custom built, we provide you a new way of dashboard creation – using AnyChart Flash Component Dashboard mode. Since all charts created by AnyChart Flash Chart Component are rendered using a single swf file it is very easy to place such swf file to your web-site and provide it with an XML configuration file that configures a dashboard.
In this article we will create step-by-step a sample dashboard, at first – we will make a static one – that can be used for presentation purposes, and then – we will add interactivity, which makes dashboard a really useful and modern tool of business data analytics. We’ll go thought all steps from “paper-design” created by hand to the interactive Flash dashboard.
Read it here
This article was written by Tim Loginov as part of AnyChart Documentation.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Tips and Tricks
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ACPrintManager 0.1 – library for content control of printing from a browser with some bug fixes for Firefox and Internet Explorer
October 27th, 2007 by Alex BatsuevAs I promised I’ve uploaded source code for solving the problem with flash content printing in Firefox and an example of its usage in Flash.
FFPrintFix library was extended and now it is called ACPrintManager. Now it is not only bug fix for printing, but also content control for printing from a browser.
See all details here:
- Categories: Tips and Tricks
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Version 4.1.0 Released!
October 16th, 2007 by Alex BatsuevUpdate includes:
- Save As Image Feature
- New Chart Types:
- 3D Column (Range, Stacked, 100% Stacked),
- 3D Bar (Range, Stacked, 100% Stacked),
- 2D/3D Pyramid(Stacked, 100% Stacked ),
- 2D/3D Cone (Stacked, 100% Stacked),
- 2D/3D Cylinder(Range, Stacked, 100% Stacked).
- New Financial Chart Types:
- Japanese Candlestick,
- Open-High-Low-Close Chart.
- DateTime:
- X and Y Axes DateTime Scales with full control over labels and scale,
- Fully Customizable DateTime Formatting,
- Flexible DateTime Input/Output localization,
- UNIX TimeStamp Input Format,
- Scatter Charts with DateTime axes.
- Dashboard Creation Feature:
- Create Interactive Dashboard using powerfull layout, templates and actions system using only one SWF file.
- User’s Guide Updated:
- Over 80 tutorials with more than 300 chart samples,
- A number of Implementation Samples – including AJAX integration and JavaScript Event Handlers.
- XML Reference Updated.
- Interactivity:
- Unlimited Number of Custom Actions on Point Click – open web page, launch external function, update another chart in dashboard and drilldown.
- Selected State Configuration for All Chart Types, ability to set default selected element on chart.
- Color Range Palettes – automatic feature for coloring all data points in different colors.
- Preloader Texts Customization Feature
- Advanced Number Formatting and Scaling
- Ability to set Meta Data for Points and Series using Custom Attributes for use in labels, tooltips, legend and actions.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component
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