The list of well-known companies that have chosen AnyChart
July 28th, 2008 by Anton BaranchukOur sales managers get a lot of questions from prospective customers regarding other companies that have chosen AnyChart. We’ve decided to publish the list of some clients with well-known names.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component
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AnyChart 5.0 Release – featuring Interactive Circular (Angular) and Linear (Horizontal and Vertical) Gauges
July 24th, 2008 by Timothy LoginovOn July 25th, AnyChart Team is proud to present AnyChart version 5.0 with the multipurpose, feature rich Gauge engine.
Version 5.0 Release Overview:
- Gauges Charting Engine
- Circular (Angular) Gauges – variable angles, multiple scales, auto-fit.
- Linear Vertical and Horizontal – color ranges, multiple scales and pointers.
- Image Gauge – for nice look and total customization.
- Custom Labels – to add descriptions and annotations.
- Indicator Gauge – to represent device or business indicators.
- Bullet Graphs.
- Thermometer Styled Linear Gauges.
- Tank Styled Linear Gauges.
- Basic Charts Engine Improvements
- Exploded Slices for Single-Series Pie and Donut Charts.
- Sorting feature for Pie and Donut Charts.
- Dashed Grids and Lines.
- Opera Tooltip Redraw Bug Fixed.
- Map Tooltip Position in Flex Component Bug Fixed.
- Animation in Dashboard Mode Fixed.
Please take a look at the Gauge Samples in our Chart Gallery:
And do not miss an opportunity to test:
The trial version can be downloaded from Download Section.
Existing users eligible for the free or discounted upgrade – please contact support team to upgrade to version 5.0.
Here is a sample Gauges Dashboard created with AnyChart version 5.0:
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component
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