Archive for July, 2009

AnyChart has discovered bug in Skype. Skype promises to fix it ASAP.

July 27th, 2009 by Margaret Skomorokh

We were getting strange bug reports during several years, and the main idea of that reports is the fact that memory in Internet Explorer 6/7 with Flash Player 9/10 leaks when user refreshes the page. We have spent a lot of time and money trying to locate it, we lost a lot of clients. It was a nightmare for everybody in our support and development teams. We have blamed Adobe and Microsoft, but we never could even think that it is not their fault. And today the miracle has happened. We have tested on two different PCs: one of of them had the memory leak, the second one did not. And the reason of the problem was… Internet Explorer Skype add-on.
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AnyGantt: Advanced Gantt Editing Capabilities Now Available at a Reasonable Price

July 23rd, 2009 by Anton Baranchuk

SEATTLE, Washington, July 22 — AnyChart has introduced the new version of its comprehensive charting solution AnyGantt, enabling creation of interactive and informative Gantt charts supporting animation. The new version delivers a host of enhancements to cut costs and maximize visualization, including the ability to edit Gantt Charts on a client-side computer.

AnyGantt now allows a user to edit tasks, change the duration, and add progress updates. Along with a GUI-based interface, the software provides advanced Java Scripting data manipulation capabilities. The users can employ this new extended functionality to build complex web based project management systems, without wasting money on expensive BI tools. Read more »