Archive for February, 2011

Printing Flash Content in Firefox

February 24th, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

Flash and Firefox have always had a lot of compatibility problems – for instance, Flash content can’t be printed in Firefox.

A long time ago we found a workaround and published it as a free library. Three years have passed, but the bug still exists, and the fix is still relevant.

So here it is – a small library that allows to achieve correct Flash content printing in Firefox:

For example, that’s how a Flex application is printed in Firefox:

And that’s how it looks like with the fix applied:

The idea is very simple:

1. Get a PNG screenshot.
2. Encode the PNG file in base64 string.
3. Add a picture with src=”data:img/png;base64,…” mce_src=”data:img/png;base64,…” to the page.
4. In CSS, specify to hide Flash while printing and to show the picture:

@media screen.flashScreenshot { display: none; }
@media print.printableFlashObj { display: none; };
.flashScreenshot { display: block; border: 0; outline: none; }

Knowledgebase Updates

February 16th, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

Don’t forget that we have a knowledgebase:

We have already written about it before:

We do our best to update it as and when necessary and recently have added a few articles:



We want to note that this problem: Documentation doesn’t display properly in Internet Explorer 7 and later has lost relevance in AnyChart

P.S. We are very pleased that our customers often find a minute to thank us and we have eventually added a testimonials page:

Thanks to everybody who has spoken out or not.

Flash Player Printing Bug Discovered

February 15th, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

During AnyGantt development, we have discovered a bug in the latest builds of Flash Player (existing since August 2010).

Here is a Flex example from the Adobe Help Resource Center:

That’s how everything looks like in the original:

And that’s what happens to it after printing:

A long and persistent debugging has led us to isolating and reproducing the bug. In the simplest view, everything comes down to the following pictures:

(an original)

(the same after printing)

The source code of the example can be downloaded from:

The cause of the problem is the following: if the text in the Visual Objects tree has a parent object with “scrollRect”, there will be problems when printing to a bitmap.

The bug appeared supposedly in the version of Adobe Flash Player, and it is also found in the current version (10.2).

We have submitted a bug report and now are waiting for the response:

AnyChart Team on Twitter

February 2nd, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and it is estimated that Twitter has 190 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day and handling over 800,000 search queries per day.

Now the AnyChart team has a Twitter account too:

There we share our plans and interesting links, announce new entries in this blog and updates of our website as soon as they appear. Follow up and be the first to learn the news!