Archive for October, 2011

AnyStock 1.5.1 Available

October 30th, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

AnyStock 1.5.1 update is available for download at our site. It includes some significant changes:

Bug fixes

  • IMPORTANT: Formatting rules now enforce escaping comma when it is used as a decimal or thousand separator. In the previous version you could use something like that: {%Value}{decimalSeparator:,} although documentation states that comma should be escaped by back slash. Since 1.5.1 rules are strict, and only the following expression works correctly: {%Value}{decimalSeparator:,}.

    If you are upgrading from previous versions, you should check your configs and change them so that they followed the comma escaping rule.

  • Formatting in value highlighter now works correctly.
  • addEventMarker method now works correctly with localeBasedDate.
  • Scroller events are now fired in the correct order when unselected area is clicked.
  • Null values are now correctly treated as nulls (not zeros).
  • MFI indicator now reads the period parameter correctly.


  • onAnnotationRemove event now returns not only the ID of a removed annotation, but also this annotation as an object — a useful improvement for implementing an “Undo” feature.
  • Full compatibility with Flex 4.5 Mobile SDK — you can use AnyStock SWC in your iOs or Android Flex projects.
  • Range preset buttons behavior improved, particularly when you sync two different chart objects at one page.

Documentation updates

Version history:
Trial download:

Bug in Flash Player 1/Math.abs(0) is -Infinity

October 26th, 2011 by Timothy Loginov

AnyChart Team has found in Flash Player a very weird bug that doesn’t manifest itself in the Debug version of Flash Player, but ruins math in the regular version, so we had to debug it in the non-debug version: using ExternalInterface and JavaScript console.

Bug description

In the regular version of Flash Player the following expression:


is evaluated as -Infinity, but in the Debug version it is (as anyone expects): Infinity


Here is a sample code you can use to reproduce this issue:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

    public class MagicWorld extends Sprite {
        public function MagicWorld() {
  "alert", "1/Math.abs(0) = " + (1/Math.abs(0)).toString());

As soon as you have done this — compile and run the sample in the Debug and Regular versions, and you will see the difference.

The bug has been reported to Adobe: Bug#3011557
The test sample:

Building Google Dart on Mac OS X Lion with XCode 4

October 12th, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

We are developing the HTML5 version of AnyChart using JavaScript, but our team takes an active interest in web development news – and now, of course, one of the main events is the new language Dart.

Dart is a web programming language developed by Google. It was unveiled at the GOTO conference in Aarhus, 2011 October 10-12. The goal of Dart is to replace JavaScript as the main built-in scripting language in web browsers. Dart is intended to solve JavaScript’s problems while offering better performance, the ability “to be more easily tooled for large-scale projects” and better security features.

Our lead developer Alex Batsuev is eager to become one of the first evangelists of Dart. He has faced some problems with building Google Dart on Mac OS X Lion. Please, check out the instruction how to do that in his blog:

AnyChart Team Developed Ctags for JavaScript based on Google Closure Compiler

October 4th, 2011 by Margaret Skomorokh

Developing the HTML5 version of AnyChart, our team has not only mastered a variety of tools and utilities, but also created a number of new ones – including Ctags for JavaScript based on Google Closure Compiler (gjstags).

Ctags is a program that generates an index (or tag) file of names found in source and header files of various programming languages. These tags allow definitions to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility. Alternatively, there is also an output mode that generates a cross reference file, listing information about various names found in a set of language files in human-readable form.

Gjstags developed by AnyChart team supports classes, enums, interfaces, and so on. It is based on Google Closure Compiler, works under Mac OS X or Linux and is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

Anyone interested in gjstags can download it here: and is free to use it in any way.