AnyStock 1.5.1 update is available for download at our site. It includes some significant changes:
Bug fixes
- IMPORTANT: Formatting rules now enforce escaping comma when it is used as a decimal or thousand separator. In the previous version you could use something like that: {%Value}{decimalSeparator:,} although documentation states that comma should be escaped by back slash. Since 1.5.1 rules are strict, and only the following expression works correctly: {%Value}{decimalSeparator:,}.
If you are upgrading from previous versions, you should check your configs and change them so that they followed the comma escaping rule.
- Formatting in value highlighter now works correctly.
- addEventMarker method now works correctly with localeBasedDate.
- Scroller events are now fired in the correct order when unselected area is clicked.
- Null values are now correctly treated as nulls (not zeros).
- MFI indicator now reads the period parameter correctly.
- onAnnotationRemove event now returns not only the ID of a removed annotation, but also this annotation as an object — a useful improvement for implementing an “Undo” feature.
- Full compatibility with Flex 4.5 Mobile SDK — you can use AnyStock SWC in your iOs or Android Flex projects.
- Range preset buttons behavior improved, particularly when you sync two different chart objects at one page.
Documentation updates
- Updating Event Markers Visual Settings Using JavaScript sample from Online HTML/JavaScript Samples Center has been fixed.
- onAnnotationRemove description was updated in JavaScript API Reference and AnyChart Stock Flex Component: API Reference.
Version history:
Trial download:
- Categories: AnyStock
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