Archive for July, 2012

AnyStock 1.7.0 Released

July 11th, 2012 by Margaret Skomorokh

We are proud to announce the release of AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts 1.7.0. We have made some significant changes and added a number of new features. Some of the improvements impact the default settings. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these changes prior to deploying.

The most important changes are in Fibonacci annotations settings and defaults: they have new defaults and are displayed in a new, different, and better way. Level labeling has been added and enabled by default. Fibonacci Fan now shows not only price levels but also time levels and a grid. If you upgrade to 1.7.0 and use Fibonacci annotations, you will see changes in your charts. However, you can revert to the old view by specifying additional settings in your configuration files.

Additionally, the <export> node is deprecated and replaced by the <export_settings> node, so it is strongly recommended to review your configuration files and make the necessary changes. In JSON configuration this replacement means: export turns into exportSettings. These changes are made to avoid problems with the objectModel chart property in Internet Explorer.

New features


  • The <export> node is deprecated due to the problems it gave when trying to obtain the objectModel property in Internet Explorer. Please use the <export_settings> node instead.
  • The logarithmic axis minimum auto calculation is improved.

Bug fixes

  • The Scroller thumbnail series no longer displays missing values at the end of a data set as zeros.
  • A separated tooltip pin no longer breaks when a zero length range is selected.
  • Event markers are properly bound to series fields.
  • Flex version no longer throws the errors which occasionally presented themselves while working with the component.
  • Fibonacci Arcs geometry issues are fixed.
  • Flex iOs mouse over problems are fixed.
  • The enabled attribute of the <line> subnode of major and minor grids in axes now works properly.

Here you can see AnyStock version history:
The new version is available for trial download:

AnyChart 6.0.10 Available

July 11th, 2012 by Margaret Skomorokh

A new version of our charting component is available – AnyChart 6.0.10. The improvements include:

New features

  • Circular Gauges Beta have been added to the HTML5 engine.
  • The Flex component now provides the getBase64PNG() and getBase64PDF() methods with optional width and height parameters.

Bug fixes for the HTML5 engine

  • Custom attributes are now correctly set via JSON.
  • Custom attributes are now correctly retrieved in point events.
  • Action arguments are now correctly passed in JSON.
  • The maxChar and maxCharFinalChars formatting options are now supported.
  • The autocalculated datetime scale crash is fixed.
  • The heatmap lower case row/column names problem is fixed.
  • The first stack elements are no longer hidden when the Logarithmic scale is used with the Stacked mode.

Bug fixes for the Flash engine

  • “On resize” crash in Flex applications is fixed.
  • The getPNG(), getPDF(), saveAsImage(), and saveAsPDF() methods now properly handle optional width and height parameters.
  • Marker series is now properly animated.
  • Incorrect plot display in 3D mode with scroll enabled is fixed.
  • Opacity is now correctly set in 3D “Aqua” pie charts.
  • The first stack elements are no longer hidden when the Logarithmic scale is used with the Stacked mode.
  • Tooltips are properly positioned in Flex applications with non-absolute layering used.

Here you can see AnyChart version history:
The new version is available for trial download:

Extravision Chooses AnyChart to Display Email Reporting Statistics

July 2nd, 2012 by Margaret Skomorokh

The numerous industries where AnyChart was applied includes the Email Marketing industry, and today we are publishing a success story about this case.

logo_ExtravisionExtravision, founded in 2004, is a privately owned UK-based email service provider that offers flexible email marketing solutions to both small and large businesses across all sectors. Its products include Extravision Messenger, which enables users to create and send email marketing campaigns, and Extravision Reports — a tool designed to assess the ROI and effectiveness of email campaigns sent via Extravision Messenger.

The challenge was:

  • To enhance the display of the top email reporting statistics within Extravision Reports.
  • To create a style that is easy for users to interpret and digest.
  • To visualize different types of data: opens, clicks, and unsubscribe percentages as well as some time-based metrics.


  • AnyChart was chosen to visualize the statistics due to its flexibility and opportunity to create visually appealing and readable charts.
  • AnyChart has all the features needed to easily configure charts and customize the style.
  • Opens, clicks and unsubscribes were displayed in a pie chart format which allows users to see in an instant the success of their email campaigns. Line charts were used to display time-based data.

You can enjoy the full success story here:

logo_Extravision Extravision
Extravision Chooses AnyChart to Display Email Reporting Statistics >>

Or see other AnyChart Customers Success Stories.