Archive for March, 2015

AnyChart 7.4.0 Available

March 30th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

A new version of our component – AnyChart 7.4.0 – is available for download. We have implemented a number of important features including 4 new chart types: Sparkline, Error, Box&Whisker, and Circular Gauges. Check out the main improvements:

Sparkline Charts
Sparkline charts are designed to fit a lot of them in a tiny space. Sparklines are good at presenting changes in time for an array of similar data, e.g. currency or medical trends.
Read more about Sparkline Charts >>
Take a look at Gallery sample >>
Error Charts
Error Charts are to be used as error or deviation indicators. Error bars often represent one standard deviation of uncertainty, one standard error, or a certain confidence interval.
Read more about Error Charts >>
Take a look at Gallery sample >>
Box and Whisker Charts
Box Charts are predominantly used in descriptive statistics. Using a box chart is a way of representing groups of numerical data. Boxes operate with specific terms, such as whiskers, quartiles, and median.
Read more about Box and Whisker Charts >>
Take a look at Gallery sample >>
Circular Gauges
Circular Gauge is a radial chart that can be used as a clock, speedometer, compass, audio feature tuner or any other gauge that represents the value as an angle on a circle plot.
Read more about Circular Gauges >>
Take a look at Gallery sample >>
Pie/Donut Aqua Style
Aqua Style for Pie/Donut charts is a renewed gradient fill style which has become very popular among our users since AnyChart 5.0.
Take a look at Gallery sample >>

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AnyGantt 7.4.0 Released

March 30th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

We are glad to announce that AnyGantt 7.4.0 is released. Our Gantt component is based on JavaScript (HTML5) and is easy to integrate with AnyChart. In this version, we have made a few useful improvements:

Tooltip feature for all Timeline Elements
Tooltips can be added to all timeline elements (such as resources, tasks, and periods). The appearance and format of Tooltips can be customized as always.
Take a look at a Gallery sample >>
Possibility to Hover/Select Gantt Chart Rows
Gantt charts are now more interactive and responsive in use. You can adjust both the appearance of the selection and the special settings for the selected elements (such as resources, tasks, and periods).
Take a look at Gallery sample >>
Gantt Chart Toolbar Panel
Just a few lines of code now allow you to create an UI-panel that helps to Print, Export to pictures, Zoom In/Out, Expand or Collapse.
Take a look at Gallery sample >>
Horizontal Scroll in DataGrid
A DataGrid now can be horizontally scrolled. Have a look at this feature through the link below.
Take a look at Gallery sample >>

AnyGantt version history:
Trial download: