New Partnership Announcement: Datonix and AnyChart
May 22nd, 2015 by Margaret SkomorokhWe are very pleased to announce that AnyChart have partnered with Datonix.
Datonix primary product is datonixOne, a computer appliance designed for BIGDATA Solutions and eXpress development. Using datonixOne, Federated BIGDATA applications can be quickly developed, providing ready information for end users.

AnyChart partners:
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Success Stories, Third-Party Developers, Uncategorized
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AnyChart 7.4.1 Update Available
May 15th, 2015 by Timothy LoginovIn the AnyChart 7.4.1 update, we have added a lot of great features and improvements including a major upgrade of Legend API. Here is the full list of improvements and bug fixes:
New Features
- Each AnyChart element (Title, Label, Legend, Point, etc.) now dispatches mouse events. See Base API Reference for more details.
- Rewritten the anychart.bubble and anychart.marker methods: now they create Scatter Charts instead of Cartesian.
- Added the ability to set the maximum/minimum size for charts and other elements via the maxWidth/maxHeight and minWidth/minHeight methods.
- Fully rewritten anychart.ui.Table API.
- Pie Charts now work with CSV data.
Legend API Improvements
(For more information, see the Legend API Reference.)
- Removed the itemsProvider method.
- Added the itemsSourceMode method, allowing a set of legend items to switch between series and categories.
- Added the items method, allowing to create a custom set of legend items.
- Added the itemsFormatter method, allowing to customize the default set of legend items.
- Added the itemsTextFormatter method, allowing to customize the text of legend items.
- Added the hoverCursor method, allowing to customize the behavior of the cursor.
- Added the inverted method, allowing to invert the sequence of legend items.
- Added the legendItem method for all series, allowing to customize legend items.
Legend Interactivity Improvements
(For more information, see the Legend section in our User’s Guide.)
- A series is highlited when a legend item is hovered.
- A series is disabled when a legend item is clicked.
- Added an easy way to customize the default behavior via the preventDefault and stopPropagation methods.
Other Improvements
- The default interactivity now works the same in all chart types (Radar/Polar, Cartesian, Scatter, etc.).
- Circular Gauges: drawing improved.
Bug fixes:
- Solved problems with multiple lines in texts (\n\n).
- Tables are now redrawn when internal settings of charts are changed.
- Y-scale is no longer inverted in Win/Loss series.
- Changing the orientation of a Bullet Chart no longer causes the drawing bug.
- Solved problems with drawing multiple axes in Cartesian and Scatter Charts.
- Fixed the bug with Tooltips padding.
- Hover settings for Data Labels now can be set from Data.
- Fixed the bug with drawing Grids in IE6-8 (VML).
- Fixed the bug with the position of Tooltips in IE6-8 (VML).
AnyChart version history:
Trial download:
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component
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