Archive for July, 2015

AnyMap News and Recap of the Week

July 26th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Good news, everyone! We are putting finishing touches on the new AnyMap HTML5 engine, along with the new version of AnyChart with an amazing Theming Feature: ability to segregate settings and data once and till the end of times (if you wish to) and switch visual presets on-the-fly. And we are going to show the first demo of AnyStock HTML5 next week too.

Also, some interesting stuff we’ve encountered this week and covered on AnyChart Facebook Page:

We’ve noticed Line Charts in Age of Wonders III and Triumph Studios spotted that we were on the tutorial level.

Two great projects from the UK:

  • Seeing Data: Making Sense of Data Through Visualisations is a research project which aims to understand how people make sense of data visualisations, the project is headed by Helen Kennedy, Professor of Digital Society at the Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield.
  • Compound Interest is a site that aims to take a closer look at the chemical compounds we come across on a day-to-day basis. It also provides graphics for educational purposes, both for teacher and student use. The site is run single-handedly by Andy Brunning, a chemistry teacher based in the UK who creates the graphics for the site in his spare time.

Recap of the Week – 7/20/2015

July 20th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

This week we have posted the following news on data visualization, data science, and AnyChart:

By the way, we are going to update AnyChart Maps – AnyMap in a matter of days, it will be a completely new, HTML5-ready JavaScript maps engine.

Stay tuned!

Recap of the Week – 7/12/2015

July 12th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Here is a quick recap of the interesting information on data visualization, which we have discovered this week – and, of course, of some AnyChart news:

AnyChart 7.5.1 Available – new version of our HTML5 charts

July 8th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

AnyChart 7.5.1, a bug fix release of our HTML5 charts, is now available. This version contains the following changes:


  • Improved the Animation feature.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the bug with multiple markers in Circular Gauges.
  • Solved the issue with the min/max bubble size in Bubble Charts.
  • Fixed the bug with Inside Labels incorrect overlapping in Pie Charts.

We are sorry for any inconveniences caused by the bugs. Our team is constantly working to improve AnyChart and achieve the best quality possible. And you’re always welcome to submit any questions to our support system.

AnyChart version history:
Trial download:

Sparks & Associates Chooses AnyChart to Visualize Assessment Results using JavaScript pie chart

July 3rd, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Today we are glad to publish a new customer success story – about AnyChart and Sparks & Associates.

logo_sparksThe Actualized Leadership Profile (ALP) is a 77-item self assessment that measures an individual’s dominant motive need and corresponding style of leadership. Based on the seminal works of Abraham Maslow and David McClelland, the ALP measures the degree of self-actualization that is demonstrated in one’s current style of leadership. A customized, full color and confidential report identifies the strengths and limitations in the individual’s current leadership approach.

The challenge was:

  • To provide a creative and intuitive visualization of personal assessment results.
  • To create a visualization that accepts result parameters from the system’s existing ASP code.


HTML5 chart

You can enjoy the full success story here:

logo_sparks Sparks & Associates
Sparks & Associates Chooses AnyChart to Visualize Assessment Results >>

Or see other AnyChart Customer Success Stories.