Recap of the Week – 9/28/2015
September 28th, 2015 by Margaret SkomorokhThis week we have posted on AnyChart Facebook Page the following information on data visualization:
- Why Pinellas County is the worst place in Florida to be black and go to public school? See the interactive map.
- What a PErformance: some interesting data on Silicon Valley’s fortunes, visualized by The Economist.
- Is it possible to achieve a multi-layered storytelling with data? Take a look at these stylish diagrams by Accurat and learn how they were created.
- Where and when do people see UFOs? These interesting and well-designed UFO infographics are based on data coming from the National UFO Reporting Center.
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Recap of the Week – 9/21/2015
September 21st, 2015 by Margaret SkomorokhIn this post you will find a recap of news on data visualization and AnyChart (which we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and here):
- We have created a basic sample to show how you can work with AnyChart JavaScript charts in an SWT application.
- What’s really warming the world? – a nice interactive chat that will help you to explore different factors contributing to global warming.
- – an interactive data visualization of sunrise, sunset, and twilight times. (You can also read an article explaining some interaction details in –
- Why we still need women’s equality day? – Take a look at this great infographic by TIME and learn some sad numbers.
- 17 Graphs That Are Way Too Real For Introverts.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, Uncategorized
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AnyChart and Java Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT)
September 15th, 2015 by Timothy LoginovOverview
The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a graphical widget toolkit for use with the Java platform. It was originally developed by Stephen Northover at IBM and is now maintained by the Eclipse Foundation in tandem with the Eclipse IDE. It is an alternative to the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and Swing Java GUI toolkits provided by Oracle as part of the Java Platform.
We have created a basic sample to show how you can work with AnyChart in an SWT application.
Contents and Launching
The sample file (click to download) contains the ‘src’ folder with the source code and the ‘jar’ file. You can run the file using the java -jar <jar_file_name> command.
In Mac OS X you can launch the sample like this:
java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar anychart-java-example.jar
In Windows you can do that like this:
java -jar anychart-java-example.jar
This sample shows a basic chart with five points. It listens for the chart draw and point hover events, and logs them into the textArea on the page; anychart.min.js is loaded from AnyChart CDN.
The ‘Add Random Point’ button keeps adding random points until the total point count is 20 and after then removes one point before adding a new one.
Source code is rather simple and self-descriptive, and there are only two things you should look at:
The static String myScript variable defines what script is executed when button is clicked;
The static String createHTML() method generates HTML and puts it into the browser window.
AnyChart and Java Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) Sample:
AnyChart Download:
AnyChart Documentation:
AnyChart API:
AnyChart Overview: AnyChart Web Charts JavaScript Framework
Later we will extend the sample, add more features, and show how to achieve more with AnyChart in Java environment. We also have a number of other samples coming up.
If you created anything with AnyChart in Java applications and are ready to share – please drop us a line in comments, on Facebook, Twitter, or via email (
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Tips and Tricks
Recap of the Week – 9/13/2015
September 14th, 2015 by Margaret SkomorokhHere is a quick recap of the interesting information on data visualization, which we have discovered this week (and posted on AnyChart Facebook Page and Twitter):
- Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response – This interactive infographic from The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) allows to see the scale of the refugee crisis in Europe, migration routes, and more.
- Parable of the Polygons – Parable of the Polygons is a playable segregation simulation based on the work of Nobel Prize-winning game theorist, Thomas Schelling. Play and learn how harmless choices can make a harmful world!
- 11 Awesome Data Visualizations Way Ahead Of Their Time – Explore data visualization history – check out 11 awesome data visualizations way ahead of their time.
- Categories: News
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Recap of the Week – 9/4/2015
September 4th, 2015 by Margaret SkomorokhThis week we have posted the following news on data visualization and AnyChart:
- A quick guide demonstrating how to save AnyChart 6 charts as images in Oracle APEX.
- This interactive map portraying Rennes Metropolis inhabitants is quite enjoyable to play around with. The visualization is based on 18 indicators including location of workplace, marital status, number of cars in the household, and so on. In addition, the initial data were cross-referenced, which makes the picture even more detailed!
- These two colorful infographics will help you to find out what insect venoms are made of and which insect’s sting is the most painful. But don’t worry – summer is over 🙂
- How Is Big Data Changing the World? – An article about Big Data in our everyday lives.
- 13 Helpful Diagrams For People Who Only Care About Cheese – “Knowledge is power: the power to eat more cheese” – there is nothing more to add to this. Enjoy the diagrams!
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, News
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Saving AnyChart 6 Charts as Images in Oracle APEX
September 2nd, 2015 by Timothy LoginovNOTE: This article tells how to set up the script in Oracle APEX and doesn’t affect AnyChart customers who use AnyChart outside of Oracle APEX.
Oracle Application Express is a web-based application development tool integrated with all editions of Oracle Database. It enables users with limited programming skills to easily develop secure web applications that run inside their Oracle Database, and scale to support tens, hundreds, or thousands of users.
Since Oracle Application Express Release 3.0, AnyChart is used as a charting engine (you can read about this in a success story: Oracle Chooses AnyChart Solution for Latest Release of Oracle® Application Express).
One of the nice features available in AnyChart since version 4.1.0 is the ability to save a Flash chart as an image – in order to make it possible, we have to use a server-side script, which is hosted on the AnyChart.Com site by default (read more about saving charts as images in AnyChart 6).
Federico Bonifazi from Geko Sistemi Informativi s.r.l. shared a solution that allows to save charts as images on the server side. We are very thankful for that and present it here for anyone who wants to do the same. This tutorial is very basic and is not a ready-to-go solution, but it gives the general idea, so you can use it to break ground on your project.
This configuration in based on Oracle Standard Edition on a Linux server, Oracle Rest and Tomcat are used.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Oracle Apex, Tips and Tricks
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