Archive for July, 2016

AnyChart 7.11.0 with JS Stock Drawing Instruments Released

July 27th, 2016 by Timothy Loginov

Good news! We have released AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap, and AnyGantt 7.11.0. In the new versions of our products, you will find such long-awaited features as JS Stock Drawing Instruments, Pert Charts, Linear Gauges, Seat Maps, and more. Here is the full list of improvements:


JS Stock Overlay Drawing Instruments
JS Stock Overlay Drawing Instruments

Stock Overlay Drawing Instruments are a complete set of drawing tools that allow end users to add drawings to charts. It includes such tools as Line segment, Ray, Trend Line, Vertical Line, Horizontal Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, Trend channel, Andrew’s pitchfork, Fibonacci fan, Fibonacci arc, Fibonacci retracement, Fibonacci Time Zones, Buy/Sell Signals, and more – all of them being fully configurable and easily manageable.

Take a look at Stock Overlay Drawing Instruments Demo >>
Take a look at Stock Overlay Drawing Instruments in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Stock Overlay Drawing Instruments >>
AnyStock Y-Scale Mode: Changes/PercentChanges
Y-Scale Mode: Changes/PercentChanges

AnyStock now supports the Y-Scale “Comparison Mode”, which allows comparing changes in series values. Changes can be shown in two modes: value and percent, and a custom date can be set as the comparison base.

Take a look at Y-Scale Mode in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Y-Scale Mode >>


Full Accessibility Support (Section 508) in AnyChart
Full Accessibility Support (Section 508)

All AnyChart charts now support AAA-level web accessibility standards (Section 508) using very flexible a11y (accessibility) features. AnyChart supports two accessibility modes:

Learn more about Accessibility Support >>
AnyChart Linear/Tank/Thermometer Gauges
Linear Gauge

We have created a very flexible way of building any type of Linear Gauges. You can use built-in constructors for LED, Tank, and Thermometer Gauges or build your own Gauge with simple configurations.

Take a look at Linear Gauges in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Linear Gauges >>
AnyChart Chart Editor
Chart Editor

The Chart Editor feature, which makes the integration of AnyChart much easier, is a dialog window that allows to create and set up various chart types. The result can be saved with fixed data in XML or JSON format or in a reusable format with a JavaScript code string.

Take a look at Chart Editor Demo >>
Learn more about Chart Editor >>
Async Rendering in AnyChart
Async Rendering

The Async Rendering feature allows you to make web pages and applications with a big number of charts more responsive during the page loading process.

Learn more about the Async Rendering feature >>


AnyMap Seat Map
Seat Map

Seat Maps simplify the process of building interactive Airplane Seating Charts, Opera and Cinema Plans, or any other types of seat maps. It is suitable for building interactive schemes of parks, malls, or virtually any other entities.

Take a look at Seat Maps in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Seat Maps >>
AnyMap Label Positioning Improvements in AnyMap
Map Label Positioning Improvements

We have added a lot of features to improve visual appearance of geographical maps. Now it is possible to place region labels outside of regions bounds, using Latitude/Longitude data. The Label Overlap Control feature helps to keep a big amount of labels under control. Small regions can be highlighted using the Callout feature.

Learn more about Map Label Positioning Improvements >>
TopoJSON Format Support in AnyMap
TopoJSON Format Support

AnyMap now supports loading geodata in TopoJSON format. Geographical data files in TopoJSON format are much smaller, using them allows to reduce map rendering and page loading time.

Take a look at a sample of using TopoJSON format as geodata >>
Read more about TopoJSON Format Support >>
Ability to Use SVG Images as Geodata in AnyMap
Ability to Use SVG Images as Geodata

AnyMap now supports loading Geo Data in SVG format. This format may be quite useful if you want to edit a map in a simple vector editor or to create a map of an imaginary place, a road map, or a map with rivers or custom labels.

Take a look at a sample of using SVG format as geodata >>
Read more about the Ability to Use SVG Images as Geo Data >>


AnyChart PERT Chart
PERT Chart

A PERT Chart (Program evaluation and review technique) is a great decision-making tool designed to save time in achieving end-objectives. AnyGantt provides flexible settings of milestones (events), tasks (activities) and critical path.

Take a look at PERT Charts in the Gallery >>
Learn more about PERT Charts >>

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JavaScript Stock Chart by AnyChart and More

July 22nd, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

In this post, you will find a recap of the data visualizations that we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter. One of them is a JavaScript Stock Chart by AnyChart:

JavaScript Funnel Chart by AnyChart and More

July 16th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

This week we have shared with you on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter a few cool data visualizations, including a JavaScript Funnel Chart by AnyChart. Here is a quick recap:

  • Is Sushi ‘Healthy’? What About Granola? Where Americans and Nutritionists Disagree
    (an infographic by The Upshot) – Is popcorn good for you? What about pizza, orange juice or sushi? Or frozen yogurt, pork chops or quinoa? Which foods are healthy? In principle, it’s a simple enough question, and a person who wishes to eat more healthily should reasonably expect to know which foods to choose at the supermarket and which to avoid. Unfortunately, the answer is anything but simple.
  • Game of Thrones: the most Googled characters – This visualization by The Guardian shows the most googled characters from Game of Thrones, episode by episode. See and find out which events in the show had the biggest effect on search traffic. (Spoiler alert: It reveals significant plot points of seasons one through to five.)
  • FiveThirtyEight 2016 Election Forecast – Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump: who will win the 2016 presidential elections? Here is a forecast by Nate Silver (FiveThirtyEight), showing how the 538 Electoral College votes could break down in the presidential election – it is explained in 7 data visualizations. The forecast will be continually updated through Election Day on Nov. 8.
  • Brand Engagement (JavaScript Funnel Chart by AnyChart) – On this interactive Funnel Chart, you can see a visualization of a Nation Wide survey on a Brand recognition. Funnel Charts are mostly used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. They can also be useful in identifying potential problem areas in an organization’s sales processes. A Funnel Chart is similar to a Stacked Percent Column Chart.

AnyChart JS Stacked Area Chart and More

July 9th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

Here is a quick recap of the visualizations (and related information) that we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter (including a JS Stacked Area chart by AnyChart):

  • Six Infographics for Independence Day – The Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4th, 1776, is both a symbol of American liberty and an enduring monument to the philosophy of America’s forefathers. But Today, Independence Day is more than a celebration of this important moment in history. It’s also an opportunity for robust American fun: fireworks, hot dogs, excessive drinking, and lounging about in the summer sun. Here are 6 infographics that explore the history, patriotism, pyrotechnics, and personal excesses of one of America’s favorite holidays.
  • – What changes for the user and the interface once you can’t rely on the habit of clicking? Check out, an experimental clickfree interface, and see is clicking is irresistible for you!
  • 10 Cities Americans Are Moving To Right Now – Whether for professional or personal reasons, people sometimes pick up and move. In the United States, folks have been migrating to urban areas in recent generations, but these days the places they wind up are not necessarily the major hubs we might expect. Real estate information platform,, combined its internal data with U.S. Census Bureau information and discovered where Americans are moving these days. The results might surprise you.
  • AnyChart JS Stacked Area Chart – This interactive 100% Stacked Area chart was created with our charting component. Stacked Area charts are multi-series Area charts that display the trend each value contributes over time or categories. They are good at emphasizing the magnitude of changes over time, as well as at drawing attention to the total value across a trend. In a 100% Stacked chart, values are not displayed, and only the percentage each value contributes is shown, so that users can easily compare them.

AnyChart HTML5 Radar Chart and More

July 2nd, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

This week we have posted on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter some beautiful data visualizations and related information; we have also shared AnyChart HTML5 Radar Chart. If you have missed the posts, you can read this recap:

  • EU referendum: full results and analysis (by The Guardian) – Britain has voted by a substantial margin to leave the European Union. The picture that is emerging is of a heavily polarised country, with remain areas coming in more strongly for remain than expected, and leave areas more strongly for leave. Scotland and London have voted overwhelmingly for remain, but outside the capital, every English region had a majority for leave.
  • What happens in an anxious brain? How do we learn? How to stop being afraid of dogs? Neuroscience answers all these questions. Neurotic Neurons is nice interactive animation about neurons and anxiety (a part of the Explorable Explanations project). It explains the concept of exposure therapy, which is used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
  • Who needs genres when there is data? Decibels & Decimals is a collection of beautiful data visualizations and thoughts about the modern music environment. This project by Brady Fowler, a graduate of Georgetown University, aims to bring data-driven thinking to extract trends in music sharing, creation, performance and reception.
  • Du Hast – Rammstein’s Du Hast: a programmer’s version (misheard lyrics).
  • AnyChart HTML5 Radar Chart – This interactive chart compares 3 countries by 8 criteria, helping to see each country’s strong points. It is an example of how you can use a Radar chart (also known as web chart, spider chart, star chart, cobweb chart, star plot, irregular polygon, or kiviat diagram) – a graphical method of displaying multivariate data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on axes starting from the same point.