JS Linear Gauge by AnyChart and More
August 15th, 2016 by Margaret SkomorokhHere are the the data visualizations (and related information) that we have posted this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter, including a JS Linear Gauge by AnyChart:
- The Real Value of $100 in Each State – Everything is relative. This map by Tax Foundation shows the real value of $100 in each state in the U.S. Prices for the same goods are often much cheaper in states like Missouri or Ohio than they are in states like New York or California. As a result, the same amount of cash can buy you comparatively more in a low-price state than in a high-price state. (The visualization is based on the data published by The Bureau of Economic Analysis.)
- Sugar Consumption by Mona Chalabi – This chart showing sugar consumption from 1700 to 2000 is only one of many wonderful handmade “data sketches” in Mona Chalabi’s Instagram. Visit it to learn about crying frequency per week, handwriting vs. typing speed, median cost of a funeral, and other facts, visualized in drawings.
- Guide to Figuring out the Age of an Undated World Map – With this visual guide from xkcd.com, you will always be able to figure out the age of an undated world map.
- Radio Scale – JS Linear Gauge by AnyChart – A linear gauge (added in AnyChart 7.11.0) is visual representation of a measuring device with a horizontal or vertical scale and a pointer or multiple pointers indicating particular values. The scale is usually color zoned, which helps to see what range the value of interest falls in. Linear gauges can represent thermometers, battery indicators, rulers, and any other devices with straight line–shaped scales. For example, this interactive gauge from our gallery represents a radio scale. To learn more about linear gauges in AnyChart, see the following article:
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, News
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HTML5 PERT Chart by AnyGantt and More
August 5th, 2016 by Margaret SkomorokhHere is a quick recap of the visualizations that we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter (including an HTML5 PERT Chart by AnyGantt):
- Where Europe is most and least innovative, in 6 maps (a data visualization by The Washington Post) – The continent’s most creative and productive regions are in Germany, France, Britain and the Nordic countries. Southern England, northern Denmark, southern Germany and Paris are particularly successful — whereas Romania, Poland and Spain have disproportionately more regions that lack innovation.
- Pokémon dual-type charts – looks like playing Pokémon Go is not that easy!
- Global Sharknado Threat Map – Created by an unprecedentedly cross-discipline team of nameless chain-smoking scientists in white lab coats, this map is intended as a resource to coastal communities regarding the nature and likelihood of a sharknado incursion. Right?X
- House Construction (HTML5 PERT Chart by AnyGantt). In AnyGantt 7.11.0, we have added a new decision-making tool – PERT Charts. PERT is an abbreviation for “Program (Project) Evaluation and Review Technique”. This technique, developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s, is used in project management to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project. It is applied mostly in large-scale projects where time is the major factor and allows to schedule a project without knowing precisely the details and durations of all activities. For example, PERT was used in planning the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble. You can see more samples of AnyGantt PERT charts in our PERT Chart Gallery.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyGantt, HTML5, JavaScript, News
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