Making your data visualization life ever easier is what we at AnyChart are boundlessly passionate about. This time we focused on further simplifying the integration of our JS charting solutions into your web development environment.
So, prepare to replan your schedule! From now on, you will spend tangibly less time on charting. And please greet the 21 New Technical Integration Templates that we have just released! They will help you deploy HTML5 graphs, maps, stock charts, dashboards, and Gantt diagrams in your stack as easily (and rapidly!) as never before, no matter what programming languages, frameworks, and databases are used.
You can find the templates right here on our website, in the Technical Integrations section.

Basically, our powerful JavaScript/HTML5 based solutions for interactive data visualization – AnyChart, AnyMap, AnyStock, and AnyGantt – are inherently compatible with all major technologies and platforms. Configuring each JS charting library is easy, and we are sure all of you are more than capable of making even rather complicated integrations prefectly done by yourself. But we keep on doing our best to bring you the ultimate simplicity and clarity so you could get along without additional research and other time-consuming activities.
The integration templates we’ve added cover the most popular languages, frameworks and libraries, and database programs. Below is the list of the newly available combinations.
Templates for easily integrating AnyChart JS charting libraries into your stack:
ASP.NET integration
- ASP.NET, C# and MySQL
- ASP.NET, C#, SignalR and MySQL
Go integration
- Go and MySQL
- Go, Revel and MySQL
Java integration
- Java Spring, Maven, Hibernate and MySQL
- Java Servlets, Maven, JDBC, JSP and MySQL
Julia integration
NodeJS integration
- NodeJS and MongoDB (using
- NodeJS, Express, Jade and MongoDB
Perl integration
- Perl, Catalyst Web Framework and MySQL
PHP integration
- PHP, Laravel and MySQL
- PHP, Slim and MySQL
- PHP, Symfony and MySQL
Python integration
- Python, Flask and MySQL
- Python, Django and MySQL
R integration
Ruby on Rails integration
- Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and MySQL
- Ruby on Rails and MySQL
Scala integration
- Scala, Akka and MySQL
- Scala, Play and MySQL
We hope you agree that this is a tremendous addition to the JS charting integration samples published earlier:
- Clojure, ClojureScript and PostgreSQL,
- iOS, Objective-C and SQLite,
- NodeJS and MongoDB,
- PHP and MySQL,
- PHP, Slim and MySQL.
So, you are welcome to make use of our integration templates and samples for easier data visualization. All of them are released on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 License, rest in the AnyChart Integrations repository, and can be forked and changed in any way.
We are going to keep the collection growing further. Meanwhile, please send us your suggestions on what other particular integration you are interested to learn about first, and – as always! – that one will be prioritized; just contact our Support Team for that and name your stack.
To make your JS charting life even easier, we will release special AnyChart plugins for Angular, Ember, jQuery, Meteor, and React JavaScript frameworks in February 2017, with the 7.13.0 update. But this is a completely other remarkable story. Stay tuned. And thanks for being with us!
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyGantt, AnyMap, AnyStock, Business Intelligence, Dashboards, Financial Charts, Gantt Chart, HTML5, JavaScript, News, Stock Charts, Third-Party Developers, Tips and Tricks