AnyChart 6.0.5 Released

November 14th, 2011 by Timothy Loginov

Today we are glad to announce the release of AnyChart 6.0.5. We are constantly improving the HTML5 engine, and soon it will become fully functional. Besides that, we keep adding new features and refining various aspects of AnyChart, including the smallest details (which, as we believe, are never insignificant) to make it more and more convenient to use.

In AnyChart 6.0.5 we have introduced a number of important improvements:

Important note: Because of the bug in Flash Player Radar and Polar charts are displayed incorrectly. If you use any of 5.x or 6.x AnyChart versions with this version of Flash Player, please, switch either to AnyChart 6.0.5 or to Flash Player (or later).

For more bug fixes and version history, see:
Trial download is available at:

Please, feel free to contact us if any questions arise. We appreciate our clients and work hard to anticipate their needs and keep pace with the latest demands of the industry, making our charts even more flexible and attractive.

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