7.7.0 Release

October 1st, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

A lot of good things come in this grand package: AnyStock HTML5 release, 200+ Map Collection and Bubble Series for AnyMap, and new types of Tooltips along with the ability to multi-select points in AnyChart.

AnyStock 7.7.0 Features

AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts (AnyStock) is a JavaScript-based financial charting solution. AnyStock technology turns your real-time data into highly sophisticated interactive web charts. Designed to display date- and time-based information, AnyStock is an ideal tool for client reporting and performance reporting applications, bringing the analysis of your financial data to life.

Stock Data Engine
We are proud to introduce anychart.data.Table, a data layer designed specifically to meet Stock and Financial Charts needs. Beside basic features like data streaming, data mapping, and transaction-based data flow, anychart.data.Table provides the ability to search and select data by DateTime intervals, which allows to implement custom UI elements based on this data.
Learn more about Stock Data Engine >>
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Ultimate Performance
Good rendering performance is essential for Stock and Financial Charts, and AnyStock meets this requirement in full. Our performance tests show the ability to render 300,000 points in less than a second on an average PC. The data stream can append 10,000 data points in 100 milliseconds. You can test it yourself on the performance test page.
Take a look at the Speed Test page >>

This release of AnyStock includes basic chart and plot layout options and basic features (such as Scroller, Legend, and Value Highlighter), along with the Column, Line, and OHLC series types. If you are wondering where the technical indicators, other series types, event markers and drawings are, the answer is simple: in our roadmap! Check it out and see that we will catch up very fast. See the roadmap>>

AnyMap 7.7.0 New Features

Map Collection
Without geographical data, it is impossible to create a data visualization related to geographic areas. We are happy to introduce our new Map Collection. For the moment it contains 200+ country maps and one world map. We are planning to extend this collection, and, of course, the ability to create custom maps is available.
See Map Collection CDN Page >>
Take a look at the Map Collection in AnyChart Playground >>
Bubble/Proportion Maps
Bubble maps (also known as Proportion maps) are usually used to display or compare quantitative data related to geographic areas, be it election results, sales statistics per region, or earthquake magnitude.
Take a look at the Map Gallery sample >>
Learn more about Bubble/Proportion maps >>

AnyChart 7.7.0 New Features

ByX Interactivity Mode
The byX interactivity mode allows you to highlight all data points of the series with the same argument (X). This mode works especially good with Line and Area charts when you have more than one series in a chart. We recommend to use the Crosshair and Union Tooltip features along with the byX mode.
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Learn more about the byX interactivity mode >>
BySpot Interactivity Mode
The bySpot interactivity mode is very useful when you have too many data points on your chart. In this case, highlighting a single data point might be very challenging. You can work this out by highlighting a set of data points within a certain area.
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Learn more about the bySpot interactivity mode >>
Select and Multi-Select
The ability to select and multi-select data points is essential for building complex dashboards, implementing drill-down charts, or creating the interactions between charts and other UI elements on your page. Now AnyChart provides a number of options for such tasks.
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Learn more about Select and Multi-Select >>
Union Tooltip Mode
The Union tooltip mode allows to display information from several series in one tooltip. It useful when you want to compare data in multi-series charts.
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Learn more about the Union tooltip mode >>
Separate Tooltip Mode
The Separate tooltip mode allows to show several tooltips at once in multi-series charts. It is a very convenient way to see all the values at once, especially when it is combined with the byX interactivity mode and the crosshair is enabled.
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Learn more about the Separate tooltip mode >>

AnyStock version history: https://www.anychart.com/products/anystock/history/
AnyMap version history: https://www.anychart.com/products/anymap/history/
AnyChart version history: https://www.anychart.com/products/anychart/history/
Trial download: https://www.anychart.com/download/

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