Woman Suffrage JavaScript Map by AnyChart and More

March 18th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

Here is a quick recap of the visualizations that we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter (including a JavaScript Map by AnyChart that shows where and when women were granted suffrage):

  • If Countries’ Web Domains Were Land Masses, Earth Would Look Like This – On this map by Nominet, the world is definitely not as it seems. Why? Because countries have been scaled according to the number of country code domain names they have registered, and not by their geographical size.
  • Goldilocks – How many habitable exoplanets are out there? According to astrobiology, a planet must neither be too far away from, nor too close to a star to support life; either extreme would result in a planet incapable of supporting life. Such a planet is colloquially called a “Goldilocks Planet”. The Goldilocks project is an interactive map, showing all the known exoplanets, their host stars, composition and atmosphere, and other life-and-death information.
  • Charles Darwin first published On the Origin of Species in 1859, and continued revising it for several years. As a result, his final work reads as a composite, containing more than a decade’s worth of shifting approaches to his theory of evolution. In fact, it wasn’t until his fifth edition that he introduced the concept of “survival of the fittest,” a phrase that actually came from philosopher Herbert Spencer. The Preservation of Favoured Traces is a cool interactive data visualization that traces Darwin’s thoughts and revisions by color-coding each word of the final text.
  • Ranking of Happiness 2013-2015 – Ken Caldeira on happiness across cultures.
  • World JavaScript Map of Woman Suffrage – World JavaScript Map of Woman Suffrage by AnyChart. We’ve used a Choropleth Map to show where and when women were granted suffrage, as you can see, a lot has changed in the last century, and it was a long and bumpy road for the humankind.

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