Archive for the AnyGantt

Data Visualization with JavaScript: The Story of AnyChart JS Charts

September 7th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Data Visualization with JavaScript: Product Hunt's No. 1 Hunter Interviews AnyChart's CEOAnyChart is a flexible JavaScript (HTML5) based solution that allows you to create interactive and great looking charts. It is a cross-browser and cross-platform charting solution intended for everybody who deals with creation of dashboard, reporting, analytics, statistical, financial or any other data visualization solutions. AnyChart works everywhere -PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, Android devices and helps businesses transform operational data into actionable information.

Kevin William David interviewed Anton Baranchuk, CEO at AnyChart to know more.

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AnyChart JavaScript Charting Libraries 7.14.0 Released: Can’t Stop Perfecting Data Visualization!

May 30th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

JavaScript Charting Libraries of AnyChart JS Charts 7.14.0 Just ReleasedHere are the spring May flowers we promised. After the hard work put in over the past months, we’re happy to announce that the 7.14.0 release of our JavaScript charting libraries AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap, and AnyGantt is out and ready to download! It brings you new cool features and important improvements that will make your data visualization life even better.

Now, we invite you to discover all the new JavaScript/HTML5 charting capabilities that the 7.14.0 version of AnyChart’s data visualization software product family has to offer to you. Here’s a quick overview…

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JavaScript Charts Library Update 7.13.1 Released for AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap, AnyGantt

April 18th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

JavaScript Charts Library Update 7.13.1 Released for AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap, AnyGanttSweet April showers do spring May flowers,” once wrote 16th-century English poet Thomas Tusser. Well, our customers already know that AnyChart’s April brings flowers, too! Last year we launched the great 7.10.0 version of the AnyChart JavaScript charts library and, basically, of our whole data visualization product family. Now, in the year of 2017, April brings you another great update.

So, please all greet the 7.13.1 release of AnyChart, AnyMap, AnyStock, and AnyGantt – our cute first spring flowers grown especially for you!

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How to Integrate AnyChart JavaScript Charts in SAP Web UI

March 30th, 2017 by Sandor van der Neut

Charts in SAP: How to Integrate AnyChart JavaScript Charts in SAP Web UIWe as ‘mere’ humans are not very good at processing raw statistical data visually when it’s delivered to us in an unrefined form. We are, however, very good in detecting complex patterns when data is presented to us in a graph or a chart. It is therefore no wonder that as a developer you often get the requirement to represent data in a more comprehensible form. When you want to visualize data in the SAP Web UI in a more graphical way the standard possibilities available to you are rather limited. Luckily there are ways to overcome these limitations. When you combine SAP with the graphical power of AnyChart JS Charts a whole range of new possibilities will become available to you.

In this blog I will describe how you can integrate AnyChart in the SAP Web UI with relative ease, how you can feed AnyChart objects with SAP data using both a ‘pull’ and a ‘push’ mechanism and how you can respond in the SAP backend to the events triggered from user interaction with an AnyChart object.

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AnyChart JavaScript Charting Libraries 7.13.0 Released, Source Code Opened

February 28th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Reliability has always been our main priority at AnyChart JS Charts. And you definitely know you can trust us, with our JavaScript charting libraries’ public roadmaps, consistent releases, and highly experienced Quality Assurance team. Today we are glad to tell you about another major step that we have just taken in this regard:

AnyChart is now open!

AnyChart Opens Source Code of Its JavaScript Charting Libraries and Releases Major 7.13.0 Update Basically, it means we fully opened the following:
Source code of our JavaScript charting libraries – it is now available for review and download on GitHub.
Issue tracker – so you can help us further improve our products, if you can/want.
Build scripts – to let you compile custom binaries with the chart types you need.
List of branches – to demonstrate our development cycle and prove you can trust us.

However, that’s not all! In addition to becoming open, we introduced multiple important improvements and new features with the new major release. Let’s see now what else was added to the 7.13.0 versions of our JavaScript charting libraries – AnyChart (JS charts), AnyStock (timeline data based JS charts), AnyMap (JS maps), and AnyGantt (JS charts for project/resource management).

JavaScript Charting 7.13.0: New Features in AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap, AnyGantt

AnyChart JS Charts Plugins for Angular Ember jQuery Meteor NodeJS and React Plugins
To make using our JavaScript charting libraries with the most popular JavaScript frameworks as easy as possible, we created special plugins for AngularJS, Ember.js, jQuery, Meteor, Node.js, and React. Save your time and effort by using these plugins when utilizing one of these frameworks.
JavaScript Charting and Sharing JS Charts on Social Networks Facebook Twitter Pinterest and LinkedIn Social Network Sharing
Now any JS (HTML5) chart powered by our JavaScript charting libraries can be easily shared on social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. We included this function in the context menu, so this can be quickly done from there. Properties specific to a particular social network can be set in the exports namespace.
Vertical Charts in AnyChart and AnyStock JavaScript Charting Libraries Vertical Charts
Most of the series in our AnyChart and AnyStock Javascript charting libraries are now also available in the vertical orientation. Whenever that is what you’re looking for, you are welcome to use the isVertical() method. To make the process of building the most popular vertical chart types even more straightforward, we added special constructors, verticalArea() and verticalLine(). Look at vertical charts in our Gallery.
Pareto Chart in AnyChart Pareto Chart
The Pareto chart, named after prominent economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, is currently one of the most popular chart types in the field of management. And we simply could not make you get along without it anymore. So, let’s all welcome the Pareto chart type! Starting from the 7.13.0 version, AnyChart offers it out of the box. Now you can easily create a Pareto chart by using the anychart.pareto() constructor.
Step Forward and Backward Stick and Jump Line Charts in AnyChart and AnyStock Step, Stick, Jump Line Charts
Please also meet these major new arrivals to the list of chart types supported in AnyChart and AnyStock. We introduced Backward and Forward modifications of the Step chart as well as the Jump Line and Stick. The Step Line Forward and Step Line Backward charts are now available with the help of the stepDirection() method. To add a Jump Line chart or create a Stick chart, use the jumpLine() and stick() methods.
Custom Series Drawing in AnyChart and AnyStock Custom Series Drawing
Imagination is freedom. You definitely need to easily visualize your data exactly the way you see it. And we keep on doing our best to deliver you the ultimate customization features. Now we added the new rendering() method to AnyChart and AnyStock so you could put any creative idea into action and build any custom chart. Custom drawing examples: Frog Chart, Cherry Chart, and Column Chart with Rounded Edges.
Legend Customization in AnyChart AnyStock and AnyMap JavaScript Charting Libraries Legend Customization
We added new options to work with the legend in AnyChart, AnyMap and AnyStock. First, the itemsLayout() now lets you improve the legend’s visual appearance, especially when multiple series are displayed. Second, the legend can now be placed inside a data plot (the positionMode() method) to facilitate a more efficient use of space on a chart. Third, the drag() method allows you to easily position the legend on your JS chart.
New Technical Indicators for JavaScript Charting with AnyStock: AMA, MMA, ATR, KDJ, BBands, BBands, %B, BBands Width, and Stochastic Oscillator (Fast, Slow, Full) New Technical Indicators
To expand the range of stock JS (HTML5) charting opportunities available in AnyStock, we added more of technical indicators: Adaptive Moving Average (AMA); Modified Moving Average (MMA); Average True Range (ATR); KDJ; Bollinger Bands (BBands); Bollinger Bands %B (BBands %B); Bollinger Bands Width (BBands Width); Stochastic Oscillator (Fast / Slow / Full). Learn more of all the technical indicators in our Docs.
Individual Data Point Settings in AnyStock Individual Point Settings
Sometimes applying individual settings to a particular data point can be very useful. Although that might not be habitual for stock JS (HTML5) charts, we decided to provide you with this great customization opportunity in the AnyStock JavaScript charting library. Starting from the 7.13.0 release, you are allowed use the allowPointsSettings parameter in the anychart.stock() constructor to enable this option.
Resource Chart Interactivity: Hover and Select in JavaScript Charting with AnyGantt Resource Chart Interactivity
With the previous, 7.12.0 release of AnyGantt, we introduced the redesigned Resource chart. In the new, 7.13.0 version of this HTML5 / JS library, we are glad to present you several major new features added this time. First of all, now you can enable and adjust the Hover and Select interactivity settings in our new Resource charts.
Resource Chart Events Resource Chart Events
With the previous, 7.12.0 release of AnyGantt, we introduced the redesigned Resource chart. In the new, 7.13.0 version of this JavaScript charting library, we are glad to present you several major new features added this time.
First of all, now you can enable and adjust the Hover and Select interactivity settings in our new Resource charts.
Resource Chart Tooltips Resource Chart Tooltips
Third, we have also added Tooltips to the new Resource chart with the current 7.13.0 release of AnyGantt. They will help you display additional information about each activity you are visualizing, in a convenient, greatly interactive way.
Connector Customization in Gantt Charts Connector Customization in Gantt Charts
Of course, we could not leave our Gantt charts without proper attention with regard to new features. This time we made tuning the visual appearance of the Live Editing mode in HTML5 Gantt charts more flexible by adding the new Connector Customization features. You are welcome to take a look at them in action in AnyGantt’s Gallery.

We hope you like the 7.13.0 versions of our JavaScript charting libraries and enjoy the openness of AnyChart!

By the way, we have already scheduled the next major update on May 2017. Please see the roadmaps of AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap and AnyGantt in case you would like to find out what you will get with that release. All in all, 2017 is going to be no less fruitful in terms of new features in AnyChart JS Charts than the rich year of 2016!

Please contact our Support Team at any time when you have any questions or requests for new features. We’ll be glad to be of help, as always!

AnyChart’s version history:
AnyStock’s version history:
AnyMap’s version history:
AnyGantt’s version history:
Download our JavaScript charting libraries:
Purchase a license (renovated Buy page):

Introducing Chartopedia to Help You Choose the Right Chart Types for Your Data Visualization

January 18th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Chartopedia: Choosing the Right Chart Types for your Data Visualization. By AnyChart JS ChartsChoosing the right chart types for data analysis and reporting solutions is always a challenge. In fact, there are so many data visualization options out there that it can be really complicated to determine which one to use in a certain situation. And you cannot afford to make a mistake here, because applying data to an inappropriate type of chart will very likely end up causing confusion and even wrong business decisions.

To help you cope with this issue better (and faster), we have developed an information resource named Chartopedia, and it is a pleasure for us to introduce it to you today.

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AnyChart JS Charts 2016 Year in Review: Look How Much Was Done!

December 26th, 2016 by AnyChart Team

This year has been so busy and fruitful for AnyChart JS Charts that now our team is extremely tired and feels incredibly happy at the same time. In fact, we went all out to make our JavaScript (HTML5) based charting libraries AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyGantt, and AnyMap even much more feature-rich, flexible, user-friendly, and faster with only one purpose – to bring you an unprecedented data visualization experience.

Looking back, we are proud of how MUCH was done in 2016! And now, we invite you to join us in quickly reviewing this year’s accomplishments that further strengthened AnyChart’s global leadership in interactive data visualization.

Without more ado, here is the list of new product and feature arrivals as well as major improvements to our JS charts solutions – a great chance to make sure you did not miss any important innovation.

AnyChart JS Charts logo

1. More Types of JS Charts.

JS graphs and diagrams

  • Treemap charts
  • Linear gauges – LED, tank, and thermometer
  • 3D area charts
  • 3D bar charts
  • 3D column charts

(AnyChart gallery)

Stock and financial JS charts

  • Candlestick charts
  • Spline charts
  • Step line charts
  • Area charts
  • Step area charts
  • Spline area charts
  • Marker charts
  • Range column charts
  • Range area charts
  • Range spline area charts

(AnyStock gallery)

JS Gantt charts

  • PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) charts
  • Resource charts (redesigned; beta)

(AnyGantt gallery)

JS maps

  • Dot (point) maps
  • Flow (connector) maps
  • Seat maps

(AnyMap gallery)

2. More Features in JS Charts.

All JS charts

JS graphs and diagrams

  • Chart themes/palettes (demo)
  • Exclude/include data points
  • Context menu
  • Save data as XSLX and CSV
  • Save chart configuration as XML and JSON
  • String tokens
  • Chart statistics
  • Standalone chart elements
  • Tooltip settings improvement

(AnyChart docs)

Stock and financial JS charts

  • Drawing tools and annotations (demo)
  • Technical indicators – MACD, RSI, SMA, EMA, ROC, Aroon, and custom
  • Data grouping
  • Markers on data points
  • Range selection UI
  • Legend interactivity
  • Y-scale comparison mode (changes and percentage changes)

(AnyStock docs)

JS Gantt charts

  • Calendar support
  • Smart timeline
  • Event markers for time intervals and important events
  • Timeline markers for multiple milestones

(AnyGantt docs)

JS maps

  • Drill down
  • Longitude/latitude API
  • Move/zoom API
  • Rich integration of keyboard and mouse controls
  • 13 map projections

(AnyMap docs)

3. Easier JS charting.

  • Chart editor (demo)
  • Demos of business solutions including the following JavaScript (HTML5) dashboards:
    • Web Audience dashboard
    • Human Resources dashboard
    • Investment Portfolio dashboard
    • Sales dashboard
    • CIO dashboard
    • Site Speed Overview dashboard
    • States of the US dashboard
  • Migration tool – a small library for easier transit from AnyChart 5/6 to 7
  • 20+ technical integration templates and samples for easy JS/HTML5 data visualization with any popular technology stack:
    • ASP.NETC# / C#, SignalR / VB.NETMySQL integration template
    • ClojureClojureScriptPostgreSQL integration template
    • Go – (Revel) – MySQL integration template
    • iOSObjective-CSQLite integration template
    • Java ServletsMaven, JDBC, JSPMySQL integration template
    • Java SpringMaven, HibernateMySQL integration template
    • JuliaMySQL integration template
    • NodeJS – (Express, Jade) / Socket.IOMongoDB integration template
    • PerlCatalystMySQL integration template
    • PHP – (Laravel / Slim / Symfony) – MySQL integration template
    • PythonFlask / DjangoMySQL integration template
    • RShinyMySQL integration template
    • Ruby on Rails – (Sinatra) – MySQL integration template
    • ScalaAkka / PlayMySQL integration template
    • Electron integration template

4. Faster JS Charts.

  • Performance improvement (speed test):
    • Less than 1s to render 250,000 data points
    • Less than 60ms to stream 500 points
  • Async rendering (docs)

5. New Products.

To sum up, 2016 was immensely intensive. But 2017 will be no less productive from the very beginning – we promise.

We wish you a peaceful, prosperous, and happy new year!

JS Charting Without Borders: 21 New Integration Templates for Popular Stacks

December 19th, 2016 by AnyChart Team

Making your data visualization life ever easier is what we at AnyChart are boundlessly passionate about. This time we focused on further simplifying the integration of our JS charting solutions into your web development environment.

So, prepare to replan your schedule! From now on, you will spend tangibly less time on charting. And please greet the 21 New Technical Integration Templates that we have just released! They will help you deploy HTML5 graphs, maps, stock charts, dashboards, and Gantt diagrams in your stack as easily (and rapidly!) as never before, no matter what programming languages, frameworks, and databases are used.

You can find the templates right here on our website, in the Technical Integrations section.

Technical integration templates and samples for using AnyChart JS charting libraries with various languages, frameworks, and databases even easier

Basically, our powerful JavaScript/HTML5 based solutions for interactive data visualization – AnyChart, AnyMap, AnyStock, and AnyGantt – are inherently compatible with all major technologies and platforms. Configuring each JS charting library is easy, and we are sure all of you are more than capable of making even rather complicated integrations prefectly done by yourself. But we keep on doing our best to bring you the ultimate simplicity and clarity so you could get along without additional research and other time-consuming activities.

The integration templates we’ve added cover the most popular languages, frameworks and libraries, and database programs. Below is the list of the newly available combinations.

Templates for easily integrating AnyChart JS charting libraries into your stack:

C# / VB.NET based ASP.NET and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
ASP.NET integration
  • ASP.NET, C# and MySQL
  • ASP.NET, C#, SignalR and MySQL
The Go programming language and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Go integration
  • Go and MySQL
  • Go, Revel and MySQL
Java Spring / Java Servlets and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Java integration
  • Java Spring, Maven, Hibernate and MySQL
  • Java Servlets, Maven, JDBC, JSP and MySQL
Julia and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Julia integration
  • Julia and MySQL
NodeJS and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
NodeJS integration
  • NodeJS and MongoDB (using
  • NodeJS, Express, Jade and MongoDB
Perl and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Perl integration
  • Perl, Catalyst Web Framework and MySQL
PHP and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
PHP integration
  • PHP, Laravel and MySQL
  • PHP, Slim and MySQL
  • PHP, Symfony and MySQL
Python and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Python integration
  • Python, Flask and MySQL
  • Python, Django and MySQL
The R language and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
R integration
  • R, Shiny and MySQL
Ruby on Rails and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Ruby on Rails integration
  • Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and MySQL
  • Ruby on Rails and MySQL
Scala and AnyChart JS Charts: integration templates
Scala integration
  • Scala, Akka and MySQL
  • Scala, Play and MySQL

We hope you agree that this is a tremendous addition to the JS charting integration samples published earlier:

  • Clojure, ClojureScript and PostgreSQL,
  • iOS, Objective-C and SQLite,
  • NodeJS and MongoDB,
  • PHP and MySQL,
  • PHP, Slim and MySQL.

So, you are welcome to make use of our integration templates and samples for easier data visualization. All of them are released on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 License, rest in the AnyChart Integrations repository, and can be forked and changed in any way.

We are going to keep the collection growing further. Meanwhile, please send us your suggestions on what other particular integration you are interested to learn about first, and – as always! – that one will be prioritized; just contact our Support Team for that and name your stack.

To make your JS charting life even easier, we will release special AnyChart plugins for Angular, Ember, jQuery, Meteor, and React JavaScript frameworks in February 2017, with the 7.13.0 update. But this is a completely other remarkable story. Stay tuned. And thanks for being with us!

AnyChart JS Charting Library 7.12.0 Released

October 31st, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

AnyChart JS charting library updated! We are glad to announce four new releases: AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyMap, and AnyGantt 7.12.0 are now available for download.

AnyChart 7.12.0 New Features

Localization Support in AnyChart Localization Support
One of the main news of this release: support of localization using locale settings files and special formatting functions. Now our JS charting library allows to switch between 196 different regional settings, and all date/time chart elements update themselves.
Take a look at AnyChart Localization demo>>
Learn more about Localization Support>>
Standalone Chart Elements in AnyChart Standalone Chart Elements
Now you can use all chart building blocks, such as scales, axes, legends and so on to build your own charts and dashboards. Use this feature along with AnyChart’s GraphicsJS graphics library, and you will be able to create your own unique charts and visualizations.
Learn more about Standalone Chart Elements>>
Tooltip Settings Improvement in AnyChart Tooltip Settings Improvement
API for tuning chart and series tooltips is improved. These changes allow to make your applications simpler, leaving room for flexibility as well.
Learn more about Tooltip Settings Improvement>>

AnyStock 7.12.0 New Features

Localization Support in AnyStock Localization Support
One of the main news of this release: support of localization using locale settings files and special formatting functions. Now our JS charting library allows to switch between 196 different regional settings, and all date/time chart elements update themselves.
Take a look at AnyStock Localization demo>>
Learn more about Localization Support>>
Range Selection UI in AnyStock Range Selection UI
Controlling data grouping and time interval is paramount when it comes to financial data and stock charts. We are happy to present a set of UI elements that help you to add range selection functionality to your applications.
Take a look at Range Selection UI in the Gallery>>
Learn more about Range Selection UI>>

AnyMap 7.12.0 New Features

Localization Support in AnyMap Localization Support
One of the main news of this release: support of localization using locale settings files and special formatting functions. Now our JS charting library allows to switch between 196 different regional settings, and all date/time chart elements update themselves.
Take a look at AnyMap Localization demo>>
Learn more about Localization Support>>
AnyMap Grid (Meridians and Parallels) Map Grid (Meridians and Parallels)
Showing meridians and parallels on a map greatly improves its design and provides a clear view in visualizations where latitude and longitude do matter.
Map Grid (Meridians and Parallels) in the Gallery>>
Learn more about Map Grid>>
AnyMap Axes Map Axes
Map axes with latitude and longitude labels complement map grid showing meridians and parallels on a map. Geo Scale that controls Map Axes and grid allows to fine-tune the display and achieve a great variety of looks and feels for map visualizations.

Learn more about Map Axes>>
AnyMap Crosshair Map Crosshair
Map Crosshair is a visual position tracking element, especially useful in exploratory data analysis visualizations. It works nicely in conjunction with Map Grid and Map Axes.
Take a look at Map Crosshair in the Gallery>>
Learn more about Map Crosshair>>

AnyGantt 7.12.0 New Features

AnyGantt: Brand New Resource Chart Brand New Resource Chart (Beta)
We are doing our best to improve our products and this time we decided to take a fresh look at Gantt and Resource charts. We have studied how people manage projects and company resources, what they want to see, how they want to display things happening, and goals they want to achieve. As the result, we understood that we have to redesign Resource and Gantt Charts completely. In this release we present the beta version of new Resource Chart.
Take a look at Resource Chart and Resource Chart with Time Tracking in the Gallery.
Learn more about Resource Chart and Resource Chart with Time Tracking.
Calendar Support in AnyGantt Calendar Support
One of the main features of the new Resource Chart is the ability to set the calendar for all resources or some of them. You can configure weekends, holidays, time of availability, beginning of a calendar year, and so on.
Learn more about the Calendar>>
AnyGantt Smart Timeline Smart Timeline
New Resource Chart features the improved timeline that looks nice with any data. This new Smart Timeline will be made interactive and available in Gantt Charts in the next update.
Learn more about the Smart Timeline >>

AnyChart version history:
AnyStock version history:
AnyMap version history:
AnyGantt version history:
Trial download:

AnyChart Open-Sources Powerful, Draw-Anything JS Graphics Library GraphicsJS

September 15th, 2016 by AnyChart Team

It is a pleasure for us to announce this today! We have just launched GraphicsJS, a free, open-source, lightweight JavaScript library which allows you to draw any JS graphics and animation for your HTML5 projects very easily. It is significantly more powerful and feature-rich than Raphaël, BonsaiJS, and other formerly leading SVG/VML graphics solutions.

GraphicsJS - free open-source JS graphics library for easily drawing anything (HTML5)

GraphicsJS has always been the graphics engine that our JavaScript (HTML5) charting libraries are built on – AnyChartAnyStock, AnyGantt, and AnyMap. As a result, it already powers data visualization activities for many of you – Oracle, Microsoft, Volkswagen, AT&T, Samsung, BP, Bosch, Merck, Reuters, Bank of China, Lockheed Martin, and thousands of all the other highly respected AnyChart’s customers including more than 70% of Fortune 1000 companies.

Of course, data visualization is not the only but just one of multiple fields where the library of GraphicsJS can be helpful and even essential. Generally speaking, this solution can help you produce virtually anything graphical from scratch: static and animated images, cartoons, games, interactive infographics, mind maps, and many other amazing things in HTML5.

Key Features of JS Graphics Library

  • Mighty line drawing abilities – Bézier curves, arcs, rectangles, and many other kinds of forms and deformations.
  • Powerful text manipulation features – multiline texts, measurement, including width, height, as well as wrap, overflow, indent, spacing, align, etc.
  • Virtual DOM for drawing fast and only what is necessary.
  • Smart layering system with z-index.
  • Transformation engine – embarrassing in-browser transformations are not used.
  • Legacy browser support (Internet Explorer 6+).
  • Concise and convenient JavaScript API with chaining support.

By the way, making our graphics engine open-source is just the beginning as – we are also pleased to tell you – AnyChart is going to open the source code of our charting libraries soon! We believe that our great developments in the fields of graphics and data visualization should be even more visible and reachable to any programmer from any part of the world, not to mention that we would love to allow the community to contribute.

Please refer to to learn more about GraphicsJS. As always, the demos are available on our Playground (Graphics section). Also, let’s not forget about the Graphics Documentation and Graphics API Reference.

What’s more, the GraphicsJS library and all relevant samples can be freely downloaded and forked on GitHub.