Archive for the AnyStock

Recap of the Week – 11/8/2015

November 9th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Here is a quick recap of AnyChart news and interesting information on data vsualization, which we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and Twitter:

  • AnyChart 7.8.0 – Good News! We have updated all our products, and now ‪#‎AnyChart‬, ‪#‎AnyGantt‬, ‪#‎AnyStock‬, and ‪#‎AnyMap‬ 7.8.0 are available for download. We have added a number of important features, including JavaScript Heat Map charts and Zoom & Scroll in AnyChart as well as Editing Mode and UI in AnyGantt.
  • Bond v Bond: the return of 007 – The history of Bond… James Bond!
  • Data Cycles is a simulated real-time visualization using a year’s worth of Bay Area Bike Share data – just click Play and enjoy all these bikes riding from station to station. You can also see a few nice interactive charts in the Statistics section.
  • A Nation of Poverty – Concentrated poverty in the neighborhoods of the largest urban cores in the United States has exploded since the 1970s. Check out the charts illustrating this process.

Heat Maps, Scrolling, Live Gantt Charts – 7.8.0 Release

November 4th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Good News! We have updated all our products, and now AnyChart, AnyGantt, AnyStock, and AnyMap 7.8.0 are available for download. We have added a number of important features, including JavaScript Heat Map charts and Zoom & Scroll in AnyChart as well as Editing Mode and UI in AnyGantt (see Gantt Interactivity and Gantt Live Edit API and UI).

AnyChart 7.8.0 New Features

Heat Map Chart
A Heat Map chart is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.
Take a look at Heat Maps in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Heat Maps >>
Zoom and Scroll (All Basic Chart Types)
The Scroller feature works with all basic chart types. It allows users to zoom and scroll.
Take a look at the Gallery Sample >>
Learn more about the Scroller Feature >>

Read more »

Recap of the Week – 10/17/2015

October 17th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

In this post you will find a quick recap of our Facebook posts and tweets on data visualization, JavaScript, and AnyStock JS charts, which we have shared with you this week:

  • AnyStock: Big Data Speed Test – a speed test demonstrating that AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts can render 250,000 data points in less than a second on average PC.
  • Gender Pay Gap – a simple and clear data visualization showing the gender pay gap in the United States. Look at it and try to spot the jobs where women are actually paid more than men.
  • NodeJS : A quick optimization advice.
  • 50 Smartest Companies 2015 – this interactive chart by MIT Technology Review​ looks quite informative. Massive solar panel factories. Fertility treatments. Friendly robots. Meet the companies reshaping the technology business.
  • London Bicycle Usage – an analysis of the frequency bicycles were used in London.

7.7.0 Release

October 1st, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

A lot of good things come in this grand package: AnyStock HTML5 release, 200+ Map Collection and Bubble Series for AnyMap, and new types of Tooltips along with the ability to multi-select points in AnyChart.

AnyStock 7.7.0 Features

AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts (AnyStock) is a JavaScript-based financial charting solution. AnyStock technology turns your real-time data into highly sophisticated interactive web charts. Designed to display date- and time-based information, AnyStock is an ideal tool for client reporting and performance reporting applications, bringing the analysis of your financial data to life.

Stock Data Engine
We are proud to introduce, a data layer designed specifically to meet Stock and Financial Charts needs. Beside basic features like data streaming, data mapping, and transaction-based data flow, provides the ability to search and select data by DateTime intervals, which allows to implement custom UI elements based on this data.
Learn more about Stock Data Engine >>
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Ultimate Performance
Good rendering performance is essential for Stock and Financial Charts, and AnyStock meets this requirement in full. Our performance tests show the ability to render 300,000 points in less than a second on an average PC. The data stream can append 10,000 data points in 100 milliseconds. You can test it yourself on the performance test page.
Take a look at the Speed Test page >>

This release of AnyStock includes basic chart and plot layout options and basic features (such as Scroller, Legend, and Value Highlighter), along with the Column, Line, and OHLC series types. If you are wondering where the technical indicators, other series types, event markers and drawings are, the answer is simple: in our roadmap! Check it out and see that we will catch up very fast. See the roadmap>>

AnyMap 7.7.0 New Features

Map Collection
Without geographical data, it is impossible to create a data visualization related to geographic areas. We are happy to introduce our new Map Collection. For the moment it contains 200+ country maps and one world map. We are planning to extend this collection, and, of course, the ability to create custom maps is available.
See Map Collection CDN Page >>
Take a look at the Map Collection in AnyChart Playground >>
Bubble/Proportion Maps
Bubble maps (also known as Proportion maps) are usually used to display or compare quantitative data related to geographic areas, be it election results, sales statistics per region, or earthquake magnitude.
Take a look at the Map Gallery sample >>
Learn more about Bubble/Proportion maps >>

Read more »

AnyStock Alpha Preview

August 3rd, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

AnyChart Stock 7 is an upcoming addition to new AnyChart 7 HTML5 JavaScript Engine: Financial charting solution that allows to turn your real time data into highly sophisticated charts with interactive capability.

Designed to display large datetime datasets, AnyStock is the ideal tool for client reporting and performance based reporting applications. Reports and Dashboards are visualized with scrolling, drill downs, panning and zoom functionality.

Demo page:

What you can see on a demo page is the early Alpha preview of AnyStock, this chart shows dataset of 20.000 points and it usually takes about half a second to be rendered in a modern browser on an average workstation. The title of the chart you see shows results of the real performance benchmark for this chart on your computer.

We are working hard to go into the release stage, polishing all bells and whistles and hoping to make it by September 2015.

New AnyStock will feature amazing speed and all the neat things our customers loved previous versions of in AnyStock, and it will be fully integrated into the new AnyChart 7 Framework and share most of its ideology, settings technique and ease of use – and you will be able to use it along other charts, including those we have in the AnyChart Basic Charts, AnyGantt Gantt Charts and AnyMap HTML5 Maps.

We are convinced that you will be pleased with the result, stay tuned!

AnyMap News and Recap of the Week

July 26th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Good news, everyone! We are putting finishing touches on the new AnyMap HTML5 engine, along with the new version of AnyChart with an amazing Theming Feature: ability to segregate settings and data once and till the end of times (if you wish to) and switch visual presets on-the-fly. And we are going to show the first demo of AnyStock HTML5 next week too.

Also, some interesting stuff we’ve encountered this week and covered on AnyChart Facebook Page:

We’ve noticed Line Charts in Age of Wonders III and Triumph Studios spotted that we were on the tutorial level.

Two great projects from the UK:

  • Seeing Data: Making Sense of Data Through Visualisations is a research project which aims to understand how people make sense of data visualisations, the project is headed by Helen Kennedy, Professor of Digital Society at the Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield.
  • Compound Interest is a site that aims to take a closer look at the chemical compounds we come across on a day-to-day basis. It also provides graphics for educational purposes, both for teacher and student use. The site is run single-handedly by Andy Brunning, a chemistry teacher based in the UK who creates the graphics for the site in his spare time.

AnyStock 1.9.0 Released

April 26th, 2013 by Timothy Loginov

AnyStock 1.9.0., a new version of AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts, is now available for download. The improvements we have made include a long-awaited feature – Minimum and Maximum for Timescale. Please note, if you are going to use it in the default mode (Ordinal Timescale Mode), you will have to read the documentation carefully.

New Features

Here you can see AnyStock version history:
The new version is available for trial download:

AnyStock 1.8.0 Available

January 22nd, 2013 by Timothy Loginov

A new version of AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts is available – AnyStock 1.8.0. In this version you will find a number of great new features and improvements. Now you can easily show positive and negative Infinity on your chart, enjoy full support for the scientific number format in CSV, and use some other new options. For more detailed information, please see links to our documentation and Knowledge Database.

New features


  • Full support for the scientific number format in CSV.
  • Single point data sets display is improved.


  • NaN labels no longer show up when extra axes with no series bound are used.
  • Preset buttons are now updated properly when the StockMain.selectRange() method is used.
  • Minor calculation issues with Y-Axis scale are fixed.
  • Point order on multiple append is now treated correctly.

Note: if you are using the applySettingsChanges() method along with drawing annotations, you may encounter errors on update if any of the charts doesn’t have an id, so please always assign an id to the chart in such cases.

Here you can see AnyStock version history:
The new version is available for trial download:

9 Tips for AnyStock Best Performance

November 13th, 2012 by Margaret Skomorokh

AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts, our tool for visualizing time-based data, is sophisticated and fast at the same time – but with some simple tricks, you can improve its performance even more. Here are nine tips for AnyStock best peformance with the links to detailed instructions and samples in our documentation:

1. When you have thousands of points on the chart, it is a good idea to use data grouping. Ungrouped data always slows the chart due to the fact that you actually have thousands of objects added to the plot. Grouping limits the number of objects displayed and keeps the ability to zoom in and see actual data.

2. Ungrouped data is particularly slow when you have a lot of peaks (i.e. sets like (1,-1,1,-1,1,1…) with more than a thousand of points). The reason is Flash poor performance with drawing vertical lines. This problem can be solved by turning on grouping, but please do not forget that the scroller thumbnail series always shows ungrouped data, so it is better to turn it off. To learn how to do it, please see: Scroller without Data Provider.

If you operate “peaky” data sets, by the same reason a Stick series performs better than a Bar series, Line — even better than Stick, and the utmost performance can be reached with a Marker series.

3. Using live update options, you should be careful with the number of technical indicators – due to their nature they are recalculated when new data arrives and sometimes may slow things down. However, calculation takes only 10% of time, and 90% is consumed by redrawing, so you should note this only when data set has more than 10.000 points and you are using more than 10 indicators.

4. The best timestamp format is %T since it is not converted on a data set parsing stage and is used as is. The %u timestamp format is good too. All “normal” date/time formats slow the performance down because they need to be converted into %T before being used by the internal data storage. See more: Timestamps in Milliseconds.

5. If you are using live update with the appendData() method, it is better to do, for example, one update with 5 rows each 10 seconds, rather than five updates with 1 point each 2 seconds.

6. Annotations slow the rendering down when you have more than a hundred of them on a chart (this will be improved in the future versions).

7. In case of a bad mouse-over experience, you may consider dropping the use of the {%SeriesIcon} token in the legend and use either text coloring or a UTF full block (U+2588) symbol.

8. If the Scroller responsiveness is poor, try to use the former without a data provider. To learn how, see the sample XML: Scroller without Data Provider.

9. If you are using ungrouped data, and the mouse-over performance is poor, please check if markers are enabled and consider disabling them.

AnyStock 1.7.0 Released

July 11th, 2012 by Margaret Skomorokh

We are proud to announce the release of AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts 1.7.0. We have made some significant changes and added a number of new features. Some of the improvements impact the default settings. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these changes prior to deploying.

The most important changes are in Fibonacci annotations settings and defaults: they have new defaults and are displayed in a new, different, and better way. Level labeling has been added and enabled by default. Fibonacci Fan now shows not only price levels but also time levels and a grid. If you upgrade to 1.7.0 and use Fibonacci annotations, you will see changes in your charts. However, you can revert to the old view by specifying additional settings in your configuration files.

Additionally, the <export> node is deprecated and replaced by the <export_settings> node, so it is strongly recommended to review your configuration files and make the necessary changes. In JSON configuration this replacement means: export turns into exportSettings. These changes are made to avoid problems with the objectModel chart property in Internet Explorer.

New features


  • The <export> node is deprecated due to the problems it gave when trying to obtain the objectModel property in Internet Explorer. Please use the <export_settings> node instead.
  • The logarithmic axis minimum auto calculation is improved.

Bug fixes

  • The Scroller thumbnail series no longer displays missing values at the end of a data set as zeros.
  • A separated tooltip pin no longer breaks when a zero length range is selected.
  • Event markers are properly bound to series fields.
  • Flex version no longer throws the errors which occasionally presented themselves while working with the component.
  • Fibonacci Arcs geometry issues are fixed.
  • Flex iOs mouse over problems are fixed.
  • The enabled attribute of the <line> subnode of major and minor grids in axes now works properly.

Here you can see AnyStock version history:
The new version is available for trial download: