Archive for the Big Data

StopCorona Creator Shares How They Visualize COVID-19 Data Using AnyChart

May 21st, 2020 by AnyChart Team

StopCorona Creator Shares How They Visualize COVID-19 Data Using AnyChartEarlier, we introduced you to a new, ever-updating COVID tracker that uses AnyChart to visualize the latest pandemic data in insightful charts, To let you know more, we also talked to Vadim Peskov, CEO at Diffco, the app development company behind StopCorona, and asked him a few questions.

Read our quick interview to learn more about StopCorona and their experience using our JavaScript charting library for interactive data visualization. (Stack: MySQL/Symfony/Angular.)

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COVID Tracker Adds AnyChart JS Charts to Visualize Coronavirus Statistics

May 18th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

COVID Tracker Adds AnyChart JS Charts to Visualize Coronavirus StatisticsCOVID tracker is using our JavaScript data visualization library to display up-to-date coronavirus statistics in compelling and insightful charts. (Read our interview with its creator to learn how.)

COVID-19 is a global emergency and the fight against it requires a joint effort. We at AnyChart cannot stay aside, too. With a lot of pandemic data out there, from numerous sources and with constant updates, it’s difficult to keep up with how the situation unfolds, let alone making sense of all relevant information in due course. But this is exactly where we can help, with our established charting solutions that can visualize any data on the fly.

We thought you should know we’re ready to give a full-featured non-profit license to all initiatives aiming to tackle the novel coronavirus outbreak. Moreover, we’ve already allowed one project – – to use our JavaScript charting library for free.

Developed as a not-for-profit initiative by Diffco, a top Silicon Valley app development company, StopCorona is designed to bring transparency to the pandemic situation worldwide. To achieve that, it collects COVID-19 statistics from more than 20 reliable public open data sources, including WHO, CDC, ECDC, CCDC, and NHC to name a few. Now this enormous (and ever-expanding) set of coronavirus data is graphically represented in an analyst-friendly interface powered by AnyChart JS Charts.

As a global leader of data visualization and reporting tools, we at AnyChart were more than happy to support StopCorona by letting them use our award-winning JS charting library absolutely free, under a full-featured non-profit license.

If you guys are building a useful resource for COVID-19 data analytics, try AnyChart and apply for a free license, too. We will gladly provide you with complimentary access to our flexible data visualization solutions. In this way you will get the industry’s best charts for the web or mobile fully at your service, empowering your website visitors or app users to make sense of the myriad COVID numbers at a glance, with great ease.

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Creating Choropleth Map Data Visualization Using JavaScript, on COVID-19 Stats

May 6th, 2020 by Anastasia Zoumpliou

Creating a choropleth map data visualization using JavaScript (JS HTML5)These days you see choropleth maps in a variety of webpages and utilized for various subjects. Have you wondered how such data visualizations are built? Are you interested in making them by yourself? If so, stay with me through this JS charting tutorial, where I will show you how to create an interactive JavaScript choropleth map from scratch but with ease.

Basic knowledge of HTML5 and JS is always helpful, but even if you are a beginner in this field, understand these four simple steps and you will be able to quickly get a good-looking cross-platform interactive choropleth map data visualization for your app or website!

What exactly are choropleth maps? When you break down the word, you see that choro- (“choros”) means “area” and pleth- (“plethos”) means “multitude.” Exactly, these maps are used to visualize statistical data related to multiple geographic areas. Each area is colored or shaded differently according to the value of the given data, making it easy to grasp how a measurement varies across a territory.

For this JS mapping tutorial, I will use open COVID-19 data to show the distribution of confirmed cases and deaths around the world by country. I will start with a basic choropleth map that will graphically represent the confirmed cases. Then I will add a legend, customize the tooltip, and add bubbles to visualize the number of deaths.

Let’s get started!

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Qlik Sense Timeline Chart and More New Features in AnyGantt Extension V 4.1.244

April 24th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

Qlik Sense Timeline Chart and More New Features in AnyGantt Extension V 4.1.244Hey Qlikkies, meet the awesome Qlik Sense Timeline Chart from AnyChart! We are excited to deliver it in the new, just-released version of our AnyGantt extension.

Hence the Timeline Chart has become — wait for it — the 40th chart type available in our data visualization extensions for Qlik Sense overall! For AnyGantt specifically it is the 3rd one, making AnyGantt a unique, cutting-edge Project Management Bundle for Qlik now comprising the Project Gantt Chart, Resource Chart, and Timeline Chart in a single intuitive extension.

However, it is not all great news. Release 4.1.244 also brings a bunch of other awesome features and improvements to the AnyGantt extension.

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How to Color Qlik Gantt Chart Powered by AnyGantt Extension for Qlik Sense

April 15th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

Coloring Qlik Gantt Chart TutorialWithin the framework of our series of tutorials explaining in detail different aspects of building a Gantt chart in Qlik Sense, we are glad to share a new quick visual manual. This one describes how to color a Project Gantt chart in the AnyGantt extension for Qlik Gantt charts.

Join us as in this tutorial we are going to make it completely clear how to color all main parts of Project Gantt charts: elements, chart area, table cells, table header, and timeline levels. In addition, you can see tutorials about labels, tooltips, and reference lines and ranges — they can also be colored. (Those about tooltips and reference lines and ranges are coming soon. Meanwhile, check out the AnyGantt extension’s documentation or ask our support engineers for assistance.)

For your convenience, this tutorial is available in two versions. Check it out as a video with a voice over or keep reading the alternative, text+pictures version.

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How to Configure Project Gantt Chart Labels in Qlik Sense

April 1st, 2020 by AnyChart Team

A tutorial showing how to configure Project Gantt Chart labels in Qlik SenseWe continue a series of tutorials delving into the details of how to create Gantt charts in Qlik Sense and customize them using our intuitive AnyGantt Extension. This time, let’s look at configuring Gantt chart labels.

You can watch the video version of this tutorial or keep reading to see it in the text and pictures.

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Making JS Candlestick Chart in Four Simple Steps

March 25th, 2020 by Anastasia Zoumpliou

A JS Candlestick Chart on the screen of a laptopDo you have trading data, looking for a way to effectively visualize it for your website or app project? If so, a JS candlestick chart could be your best pick. This tutorial will break down the process needed to create such a chart into simple steps and provide a detailed explanation of the code. Keep reading even if you are new to programming, because only a basic understanding is needed to follow along and master such a JavaScript (HTML5) based data visualization technique.

Also called a Japanese candlestick chart, this chart type is one of the most popular forms of financial and stock data visualization. Each candlestick represents information about the open, high, low, and close price of the day. Candlestick charts are widely used in technical analysis of price movement patterns.

Complete this tutorial and you will be able to create a compelling interactive candlestick chart in JavaScript real quick, with ease.

Read the JS charting tutorial »

How to Add Dimensions and Measures in Project Gantt Chart in AnyGantt Extension for Qlik Sense

March 17th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

How to Add Dimensions and Measures in Project Gantt Chart in AnyGantt Extension for Qlik SenseWe’ve made a new tutorial on building charts in Qlik Sense. This one sheds light on how to add dimensions and measures creating a Project Gantt chart using the AnyGantt extension.

The tutorial is available in the video and text-and-pictures versions — choose one or check out both!

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AnyGantt Extension NOW Available in Qlik Sense Cloud Edition! [+ How-to-Install Video]

March 12th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

AnyGantt Extension for Qlik by AnyChart is Now Supported in Qlik Sense Cloud EditionGreat news for Qlik users! AnyGantt Extension for Qlik Sense is now available in the cloud!

As of February 2020, customers using Qlik Sense in the cloud can benefit from 3rd party extensions such as those by AnyChart, a trusted Qlik Technology Partner.

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Creating Heat Map Chart Using JavaScript

February 26th, 2020 by Anastasia Zoumpliou

Creating Heat Map Chart Using JavaScript, a tutorial for web developers and data enthusiastsWant to learn how to quickly create an interactive heat map chart using JavaScript? This data visualization tutorial will guide you through the coding process step by step. Basic knowledge of HTML (HTML5) and some understanding of programming are more than enough to master this charting technique.

A heat map (or heatmap chart) is a two-dimensional, matrix-based data visualization in which colors represent values. It is often used to facilitate the analysis of complex data sets, revealing patterns in how variables change, correlate, and more.

Read this JS charting tutorial to the end and you will have no more problems with getting compelling heat maps up and running on your web sites and in your apps.

Read the JS charting tutorial »