Visualizing Text Data Hierarchy with Word Trees
January 19th, 2023 by Julien Blanchard, MetaOver the past few weeks, I have been looking for a quick and effective way of representing the structural differences within a set of similar-looking short sentences.
To provide a bit of context, as we approached the end of 2022, my workmates and I got heavily involved in a planning phase for the new year to start. More specifically, we were asked to write a set of objectives and key results that would help drive a common strategy across our supported programs and pillars over the months to come.
And as expected, each and every one of us ended up leaving comments for every subtle change made to the couple of sentences that had initially been dropped into a shared document. As the comments started piling up, it quickly became quite tedious to follow and understand the slight modifications that were being made to our original set of objectives and key results.
As I started exploring what we could have done to better capture and visualise these changes, I recently found a way to display text data in a hierarchical way that I thought would be worth sharing.
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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How to Make Bubble Maps in JavaScript
November 16th, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaMap charts are a great way to put data in a geographical context. And they are not difficult to create! I am eager to demonstrate that by walking you through the creation of a bubble map, one of the most popular types data maps, with the help of JavaScript.
A bubble map is a combination of a bubble chart and a geographical map. It uses circles of different sizes (and sometimes colors) to indicate numeric values relating to locations or territories.
In this tutorial, I will be visualizing the data on gasoline prices across the United States. They saw record highs this summer after a surge fueled by the outbreak of the Russia–Ukraine conflict. The first, basic bubble map will display the gas prices in July by state. The final one will add the magnitude of the change since February 23, one day before Russia launched an attack on Ukraine.
Follow along and you’ll learn to build beautiful interactive maps in JS with ease and no problem!
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyMap, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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Vasari Diagram Visualizes Wikipedia Networks of Painters with AnyChart JS
September 29th, 2022 by AnyChart TeamThere are numerous cases where our customers first picked a different JavaScript charting library to operate data visualization in their projects but then could not get absolutely what they wanted, and in the end, switched to AnyChart and are happy with their new and final choice. Here is one of such examples.
Francis Lapique and Temenuzhka Dimova ended up using our Sunburst Chart solution in their Vasari Diagram, a fascinating asset for art history researchers and enthusiasts. This project lets anyone explore which people and topics various painters are connected with.
Read our interview where Francis describes the Vasari Diagram project and how AnyChart is used, and check it out!
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, Charts and Art, HTML5, JavaScript, Success Stories
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Building Scatter Chart in JavaScript
June 17th, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaWith data everywhere around us, it is imperative to know how to quickly create visualizations that help reveal trends and patterns in it. Today, let’s learn how to build a scatter chart in just a few lines of simple JavaScript code!
Scatter charts, or scatter plots, are designed to identify a correlation between typically two variables. In such graphics, the data is visualized as a set of points usually displayed as markers. The position of each marker indicates the values of the variables along the horizontal and vertical axes.
In this tutorial, we will be visualizing international and domestic sales of the 1000 highest-grossing Hollywood movies as of January 2022. So, get your popcorn and start watching the JS scatter chart development!
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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Creating Bullseye Chart with JS to Visualize the COVID-19 Vaccine Pipeline
March 25th, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaVisualizing data across a set of concentric rings, bullseye charts are widely used in drug pipeline and clinical trials data analysis. This tutorial will explain how to create this type of diagram with JavaScript. What’s more, you’ll see an excellent, typical example of an interactive bullseye chart in action!
I collated detailed information about all the COVID-19 vaccine candidates currently undergoing clinical studies from the WHO’s vaccine tracker. Now, join me as I plot it all in an interactive JS-based bullseye chart, by vaccine type and development phase!
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, Business Intelligence, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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How to Build Circle Packing Chart in JavaScript
March 15th, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaA clear step-by-step guide for building an interactive JS Circle Packing Chart to visualize the top 100 most streamed songs on Spotify.
Want to learn to visualize hierarchical data in stunning circle packing charts that can be added to a web page or app in a hassle-free manner? Don’t feel overwhelmed and just follow my stepwise data visualization tutorial! Using a cool example of data on the top 100 most streamed songs on Spotify, I will show you how to easily create and customize a great-looking interactive circle packing chart with JavaScript.
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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Building Stock Chart with JavaScript
February 24th, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaData visualization is vastly applied in various fields. One such domain is financial trading, where stock charts are essential for smart market data analysis and decision making. Whether you invest in stocks or not, I am pretty sure that you have come across such graphics or even might need to build one right now. So, would you like to know how to make a stock chart? I’m ready to show you an easy path using the Tesla stock price data and JavaScript! Come along with me throughout this tutorial and you’ll learn how to quickly create elegant, interactive JS stock charts like the one you see in the picture.
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyStock, Big Data, Financial Charts, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Stock Charts, Tips and Tricks
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SunnyByte Chooses AnyChart for Native American Cancer Data Visualization
February 16th, 2022 by AnyChart TeamOut-of-the-box error bars and the ability to create a cool error chart without hassle have always been a major attraction of AnyChart, among other great features prompting developers to choose our JavaScript charting library. If you want to look at some real-world examples of such visualizations in action, Shen DeShayne, a partner at SunnyByte has recently brought a new interesting use case for them to our attention. The American Indian & Alaska Native Cancer Data website, his web development agency built for the University of New Mexico, represents information in interactive error charts powered by AnyChart. Learn more about the project and how our JS library is used, from a quick interview. (Stack: Craft CMS/Vue.js.)
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, Success Stories
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How to Create Calendar Chart in JavaScript
February 11th, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaA calendar chart is an effective way to represent activity over time graphically. It can nicely display how a quantity varies with the days, weeks, months, and years. If you want to learn to build stylish interactive calendar charts easily using JavaScript, welcome to my step-by-step tutorial!
To make this guide not only educating but also entertaining, I decided to reproduce GitHub’s calendar graph and visualize the repository contribution activity of Mike Bostock, a prominent computer scientist known globally as one of the creators of the open-source JavaScript charting library D3.js and of the interactive data visualization development platform Observable. So, we’ll also get a telling picture of how he performed in that regard!
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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Creating Error Chart in JavaScript
February 3rd, 2022 by Shachee SwadiaNeed a cool interactive error chart visualization for your web page or app? Let me be your guide! Follow this tutorial and you’ll learn how to easily create elegant interactive error charts using JavaScript.
Here, I will be visualizing data on COVID-19 threat perceptions in the United States during the first six months of the pandemic, by political affiliation. So you will also be able to explore the divergence in those attitudes between Democrats and Republicans. The data originates from the article “COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy: A longitudinal study” published in the Plos One journal.
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- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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