Archive for the Big Data

How I Created Sunburst Chart Using JavaScript to Visualize COVID-19 Data

December 8th, 2020 by Shachee Swadia

A tutorial on how to create a sunburst chart using JavaScript to visualize COVID-19 dataAlmost recovered from COVID-19 myself these days, I decided to explore how the world is currently doing, during the pandemic. So I created a sunburst chart to see at a glance what continents and countries are more (and less) affected by the coronavirus than others. The process was quick and I thought someone could be interested to learn about how such data visualizations can be built in a pretty straightforward way, even with very little technical skills. So I also made a tutorial. And here I am — (1) sharing my interactive sunburst chart of COVID cases and (2) describing how I created it using JavaScript in a matter of minutes, step by step!

My JS sunburst chart provides an overview of the situation as of November 24, 2020, and also shows the global count, continent-wide data, and country-wise proportions for the current active COVID-19 cases and deaths. Scroll down to explore it by yourself and check out the tutorial along the way. Here is a sneak peek of the final chart to get you excited:

JavaScript Sunburst Chart to be created

This sunburst charting tutorial is mainly for beginners to data science. So before we get to business, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. I’ll explain what a sunburst chart is and how it works, to start with. Then I’ll show you how to create a cool and colorful interactive visualization like that with JavaScript (and you can do it even if you don’t know it too well). That’s the plan!

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Mais Hatem Visualizes Reddit Data Using AnyChart JS Charting Library

November 25th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

A Word Cloud chart visualizing Reddit data using the AnyChart JavaScript charting libraryLeading the data visualization market with the best-in-class solutions, we are always excited to see how not only companies but also individuals from all over the world use them to produce interactive charts in their projects. Here’s one new interesting example we’ve recently learned about. Mais Hatem from Syria, currently an undergraduate at the American University of Beirut (Lebanon), created “Cloud a Subreddit,” a web project that generates a beautiful interactive Word Cloud chart out of any given Reddit’s subreddit with the help of the AnyChart JS library.

We had a quick interview with Mais where she told us more about her work and experience using AnyChart. Check it out.

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New JavaScript Chart Features in AnyChart 8.9.0

September 29th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

New JavaScript Chart Features in AnyChart 8.9.0AnyChart 8.9.0 is out! The latest major update brings new exciting out-of-the-box features to our award-winning JavaScript charting library product family — AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyGantt, and AnyMap. Enjoy the improved functionality and build even more compelling data visualizations for your web sites and apps in less time!

»»» See What’s New in AnyChart 8.9.0! «««

How to Build Box Plot Using JavaScript: Visualizing World Happiness

September 22nd, 2020 by Wayde Herman

A box plot visualizing world happiness report data, the cover image for a guide on how to build interactive box plots with JavaScript HTML5Data visualization is an important and sometimes undervalued tool in a data scientist’s toolkit. It allows us to gain an understanding and intuition about the data, through exploratory data analysis, which influences preprocessing, feature engineering, and the correct machine learning algorithm choice. It also helps to better evaluate models and even allows you to spot areas in the data where models could have poor performance.

Taking data visualization one step further by adding interactivity is even more advantageous. By adding interactive elements to your visualizations you create a more engaging experience. This in turn makes a user ‘explore’ visualizations instead of just reading them!

In this tutorial, I will be covering how to build an interactive data visualization, specifically a box plot as an example, using JavaScript and a charting library. I will begin by first briefly covering the basics of box plots before going through the steps of building one and then finally using the technique in a fun example to investigate the distribution of happiness between the different regions of the planet in an attempt to answer the question: ‘Where should you live to be happier?’.

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Meet September 2020 Releases of AnyChart and AnyGantt Extensions for Qlik

September 16th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

Meet September 2020 Releases of AnyChart and AnyGantt Extensions for QlikWe’ve just updated the AnyChart and AnyGantt extensions for Qlik Sense to further facilitate the path to enhanced data-driven insights for you! Keep reading to learn about the new amazing Waterfall Chart and Gantt Chart features delivered in the 4.3.249 releases. Then check out the latest versions to see them all in action!

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Qlik Sense Visualization Extensions AnyChart, AnyStock and AnyGantt Updated with New Features

July 16th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

Qlik Sense Visualization Extensions AnyChart, AnyStock and AnyGantt Updated with New FeaturesA number of new powerful capabilities are now available in our extensions for Qlik Sense! The new features are designed to help speed up data analysis in the native Qlik environment, making it even more intuitive and workflows streamlined.

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Visualizing COVID-19 Pandemic Data for Austria Using AnyChart JS Charts

June 25th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

Visualizing COVID-19 Pandemic Data for Austria Using AnyChart JS ChartsThe COVID-19 pandemic persists as a global emergency, and we continue to support initiatives that contribute to tackling the coronavirus crisis. Specifically, we allow COVID-19 analytics projects to use our data visualization tools for free under a non-profit license.

You already know about StopCorona, a COVID tracker by Diffco, which is one such resource. Today, we want to meet you with another noteworthy project using AnyChart to visualize the pandemic statistics — iConcepts SARS-CoV-2 Stats. Created by Austrian part-time web developer Juergen Hoefer and featured on the official Open Data Austria portal, it shows the COVID-19 statistics for Austria (and worldwide) from different perspectives, in countless interactive charts powered by our JavaScript (HTML5) charting library.

We asked Juergen a few questions to learn more about this project and his experience visualizing COVID-19 pandemic data with the help of AnyChart. Read the answers and take a glance at several quick chart examples from his website. (Stack: HTML/CSV.)

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New Helpful Features in AnyGantt Project Management Bundle for Qlik Sense

June 16th, 2020 by AnyChart Team

New Helpful Features in AnyGantt Project Management Bundle for Qlik SenseJust added, two new helpful features for our project management bundle for Qlik Sense! Enjoy a more precise control over the visualization of your data and make better decisions!

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Building JavaScript Scatter Plot Module

May 27th, 2020 by Wayde Herman

Tutorial title image of a JavaScript Scatter Plot module (scatter chart)Scatter plots are a great way to visualize data. Data is represented as points on a Cartesian plane where the x and y coordinate of each point represents a variable. These charts let you investigate the relationship between two variables, detect outliers in the data set as well as detect trends. They are one of the most commonly used data visualization techniques and are a must have for your data visualization arsenal!

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to build your very own interactive scatter plot charts using JavaScript.

Ever wondered whether the population of the United States of America were dog people? Well, you’re about to find out! To help you learn more about building scatter plots I will be using the Cat vs Dog Popularity in US dataset. This dataset contains the percentage of homes with dogs and cats for each US state.

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JavaScript Charting Library 8.8.0 Released with New Exciting Data Viz Features

May 22nd, 2020 by AnyChart Team

AnyChart JavaScript Charting Library 8.8.0 release bringing new exciting data viz featuresWe’ve just updated our JavaScript charting library with new exciting features and improvements! In the 8.8.0 release of AnyChart JS, the focus is put on enhancements for Gantt charts. They will be helpful in making your project and resource data visualizations even more insightful with ease. We’ve also upgraded basic and time-series charts as well as maps. Below is an overview of the new key arrivals. Be sure to check it out, download the updated builds, and enjoy!

»»» See What’s New in AnyChart 8.8.0! «««