Creating Half Polar Chart with JavaScript — Challenge AnyChart!
May 2nd, 2018 by Irina Maximova
Challenges are always fun, and we at AnyChart adore taking them up from our customers. AnyChart Support Team is happy to show how flexible AnyChart JS Charts are. Today’s Challenge AnyChart tutorial is about JS polar charts. Spend about 5 minutes and you’ll find out how to draw a beautiful polar chart, but display only its one half, making it a half polar chart.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Challenge AnyChart!, Charts and Art, HTML5, JavaScript, Tips and Tricks
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JavaScript Chart Libraries AnyChart, AnyGantt, AnyStock and AnyMap Receive Major 8.2.0 Update
March 27th, 2018 by AnyChart TeamThe time has come for another major update of our JavaScript chart libraries, recognized the best in JavaScript technologies earlier this year!
Meet version 8.2.0 of AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyGantt and AnyMap!
To start with, here’s a quick list of what major new cool features have been delivered to our interactive data visualization solutions with this new release:
- Sunburst Chart;
- negative logarithmic scale;
- crosshair multiple labels;
- minimum/maximum labels;
- new technical indicators and additional touch support in stock charts;
- custom drawing, data grid live editor, and new timeline in Gantt charts
Now, let’s take a closer look at each of the major news of AnyChart 8.2.0 and then see what’s next on our roadmap.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyGantt, AnyMap, AnyStock, Financial Charts, Gantt Chart, HTML5, JavaScript, News, Stock Charts
Custom Technical Indicators in JavaScript Stock Charts — Challenge AnyChart!
March 14th, 2018 by Irina Maximova
It is a pleasure to present a new Challenge AnyChart article! We love our customers and their original tasks, so we continue to show the unlimited capabilities of our JavaScript charting libraries to the blog readers.
The heroes of today’s tutorial are custom technical indicators. Below we’ll explore how to add them to a JS (HTML5) stock chart step by step. So, let’s begin.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyStock, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Challenge AnyChart!, Charts and Art, Financial Charts, HTML5, JavaScript, Stock Charts, Tips and Tricks
- 1 Comment »
AnyChart Qlik Sense Extension 2.3.0 Released Featuring Linear and Circular Gauges
March 8th, 2018 by AnyChart TeamLess than four months have passed since we presented version 2.0 of our Qlik Sense extension for advanced data visualization. During that short time period, we released three more updates: 2.0.1, 2.1.0 and 2.2.0. And here’s a new one ready!
The latest update adds two new chart types – Linear and Circular Gauges – as well as several new important features, further extending the power of our JavaScript charting libraries to the Qlik Sense environment. Check out the details in a quick overview below.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, News, Qlik
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Best JavaScript Technology: AnyChart JS Charts Library Wins 2018 DEVIES Award!
February 6th, 2018 by AnyChart TeamIt’s happened! Our AnyChart JS Charts library has just been officially named the best in JavaScript Technology for innovation and received a prestigious DEVIES award in California! (See all the 2018 DEVIES winners — one for each of the 15 categories.)
2018 DEVIES is reported to be the world’s leading DevTech Awards event, taking place these days during DeveloperWeek in Oakland, CA, the largest developer expo and conference series globally.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyGantt, AnyMap, AnyStock, HTML5, JavaScript, News, Qlik, Success Stories
Happy New Year in JavaScript Charting: AnyChart 8.1.0 Is Out!
December 20th, 2017 by AnyChart TeamThe New Year and Christmas are already just around the corner, and we have something astonishing for you in this magical time! The next major update for our product family of JavaScript charting libraries is now released, so meet AnyChart 8.1.0!
Check out what new cool and useful features are delivered in the new versions of our HTML5-based interactive data visualization solutions AnyChart, AnyStock, AnyGantt and AnyMap, as well as what we are going to work on next.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, AnyGantt, AnyMap, AnyStock, Financial Charts, Gantt Chart, HTML5, JavaScript, News, Qlik, Stock Charts
Conditional Custom Drawing in JavaScript Charts — Challenge AnyChart!
December 13th, 2017 by Vitaly RadionovThe time has come for a new Challenge AnyChart! article! We continue to receive interesting data visualization tasks from our wonderful customers and are happy to share with our blog readers how to solve some of the most inspiring ones with the help of our JavaScript charting libraries.
In today’s tutorial, let’s dig into custom drawing and create an interactive HTML5 line chart of which the segments with negative values are painted with a different color than the rest of the graph.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Challenge AnyChart!, Charts and Art, HTML5, JavaScript, Tips and Tricks
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How to Create Pie Chart with JavaScript
December 6th, 2017 by Timothy LoginovHave you ever wondered, how web developers create and integrate interactive JavaScript pie charts into HTML5 apps and web pages? If the answer is yes – keep on reading! This article explains how to create, change and integrate a pie chart into your web page. Beware! A hot-button political issue is present in this article. But we will not offend anyone!
Pie chart is one of the most popular chart types. Mathematically speaking it looks like a circle divided into sectors which represent a part of a whole. For the most of us, pie charts look like real pies or pizzas cut into several slices. In this article, you will find a detailed tutorial on how to build one, with JS chart code samples.
Read the JS charting tutorial »
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
How to Add Multi-level Category Axis — Challenge AnyChart!
November 29th, 2017 by Vitaly RadionovWe are glad to present to you a new article in the Challenge AnyChart! series.
Just to remind you, these are articles inspired by your requests to our Support Team and our will to publicly prove that the opportunities of interactive data visualization with our JavaScript (HTML5) charting libraries are profound.
One of our customers asked us how to add a multi-level category axis for categorical data and display subcategories. Ok, there you go! We’ve made a quick tutorial and created the corresponding JavaScript chart example (you can already see it in the title picture).
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Challenge AnyChart!, Charts and Art, HTML5, JavaScript, Tips and Tricks
- 1 Comment »
How to Create JavaScript Area Chart
October 28th, 2017 by Timothy LoginovWant to know how to build a JavaScript area chart? This article will show you how to do that and tell you who invented area charts in the late 18th century.
The area chart is one of the basic charts used to show changes in data over time. The key feature of this chart type is a colored area between the horizontal X-axis and the line marking the changing value. It can be filled with a color, gradient color, or with a hatch fill.
Look at the chart on the title image. That’s the data visualization being created along the tutorial. Such a JavaScript-based area chart will be interactive and good-looking in any browser, on any website and in any app in HTML5. All samples used in the article are available in our collection on CodePen.
Read the JS charting tutorial »
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks