Archive for the JavaScript

Bubble JavaScript Map by AnyChart, Abolitionist infographic, and more

December 13th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh
Bubble Javascript map by AnyChart

Javascript Map by AnyChart

Have you seen the cool data visualizations (including an interactive JavaScript map by AnyChart) that we have shared this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and Twitter? Here is a quick recap of these posts:

  • This abolitionist infographic (1788) shows deck plans and cross sections of British slave ship Brookes. It is a strange, unexamined feature of the bicentenary that this image has still served to shape perceptions over two hundred years since its publication. Its continued usage cannot be explained away with traditional assumptions of its ‘innate power’ or ‘effective communication’. Read more about the poster in this article.
  • NARKOZ/hacker-scripts – Hate to waste your time on routine tasks like waiting for the coffee-machine to make your latte? Use scripts to hack your life! LOL “The coffee machines uses telnet not SSH!!! this one waits exactly 17 seconds (!), then opens a telnet session to our coffee-machine (we had no frikin idea the coffee machine is on the network, runs linux and has a TCP socket up and running) and sends something like sys brew
  • Bubble Earthquakes Map – Visit our gallery and check out this interactive  bubble JavaScript map created with AnyMap‬. It shows where the world’s strongest earthquakes occurred. AnyMap is ideal for interactive dashboards and side-by-side reporting. This JavaScript mapping solution will help you to build interactive maps and display them in any browser on any platform. AnyMap is useful when you need to display sales by region, election results, population density, or any other information related to a geographic area.
  • 15 Years of Terror – a time-lapse of all terrorist attacks with more than 20 fatalities between 1.12.2000 and 13.11.2015.

Recap of the Week – 12/6/2015

December 7th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh
CIO Dashboard by AnyChart as seen in Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring by Stephen Few

In this post you will find a quick recap of the information on data visualization and AnyChart we have shared this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and Twitter:

  • Kepler Orrery IV – This awesome data visualization is a new version of the Kepler Orrery animation. It shows all of the Kepler multi-planet systems on the same scale as the Solar System.
  • CIO Dashboard – This complex JavaScript dashboard was created with ‪‎AnyChart‬. Check it out in our sample gallery! (The dashboard is based on a sample from the book “Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring” by Stephen Few.)
  • Tor Flow is a fascinating data visualization showing information flow in the Tor network – a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows people to improve their privacy and security on the Internet.
  • GOP early debate: candidates ranked – a cool interactive visualization based on Google search.

Recap of the Week – 11/8/2015

November 9th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Here is a quick recap of AnyChart news and interesting information on data vsualization, which we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and Twitter:

  • AnyChart 7.8.0 – Good News! We have updated all our products, and now ‪#‎AnyChart‬, ‪#‎AnyGantt‬, ‪#‎AnyStock‬, and ‪#‎AnyMap‬ 7.8.0 are available for download. We have added a number of important features, including JavaScript Heat Map charts and Zoom & Scroll in AnyChart as well as Editing Mode and UI in AnyGantt.
  • Bond v Bond: the return of 007 – The history of Bond… James Bond!
  • Data Cycles is a simulated real-time visualization using a year’s worth of Bay Area Bike Share data – just click Play and enjoy all these bikes riding from station to station. You can also see a few nice interactive charts in the Statistics section.
  • A Nation of Poverty – Concentrated poverty in the neighborhoods of the largest urban cores in the United States has exploded since the 1970s. Check out the charts illustrating this process.

Recap of the Week – 10/17/2015

October 17th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

In this post you will find a quick recap of our Facebook posts and tweets on data visualization, JavaScript, and AnyStock JS charts, which we have shared with you this week:

  • AnyStock: Big Data Speed Test – a speed test demonstrating that AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts can render 250,000 data points in less than a second on average PC.
  • Gender Pay Gap – a simple and clear data visualization showing the gender pay gap in the United States. Look at it and try to spot the jobs where women are actually paid more than men.
  • NodeJS : A quick optimization advice.
  • 50 Smartest Companies 2015 – this interactive chart by MIT Technology Review​ looks quite informative. Massive solar panel factories. Fertility treatments. Friendly robots. Meet the companies reshaping the technology business.
  • London Bicycle Usage – an analysis of the frequency bicycles were used in London.

Recap of the Week – 10/5/2015

October 5th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

Good news! This week we have released AnyStock‬ 7.7.0, AnyMap‬ 7.7.0 (with 200+ Map Collection and Bubble Series), and ‪AnyChart‬ 7.7.0 (with new types of Tooltips and the ability to multi-select points). Read more in this blog.

And here are the news on data visualization we have posted on AnyChart Facebook Page and Twitter:

  • Time and Place – a successful attempt to find stories from personal data. See how mundane information about one’s movement and activity can be turned into something noteworthy.
  • City Layouts – extraordinary views of large capitals and small towns, created using satellite-based information.
  • Global threat interactive: What’s the world scared of? Obviously, it depends on the country…

7.7.0 Release

October 1st, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

A lot of good things come in this grand package: AnyStock HTML5 release, 200+ Map Collection and Bubble Series for AnyMap, and new types of Tooltips along with the ability to multi-select points in AnyChart.

AnyStock 7.7.0 Features

AnyChart Stock and Financial Charts (AnyStock) is a JavaScript-based financial charting solution. AnyStock technology turns your real-time data into highly sophisticated interactive web charts. Designed to display date- and time-based information, AnyStock is an ideal tool for client reporting and performance reporting applications, bringing the analysis of your financial data to life.

Stock Data Engine
We are proud to introduce, a data layer designed specifically to meet Stock and Financial Charts needs. Beside basic features like data streaming, data mapping, and transaction-based data flow, provides the ability to search and select data by DateTime intervals, which allows to implement custom UI elements based on this data.
Learn more about Stock Data Engine >>
Take a look at the Gallery sample >>
Ultimate Performance
Good rendering performance is essential for Stock and Financial Charts, and AnyStock meets this requirement in full. Our performance tests show the ability to render 300,000 points in less than a second on an average PC. The data stream can append 10,000 data points in 100 milliseconds. You can test it yourself on the performance test page.
Take a look at the Speed Test page >>

This release of AnyStock includes basic chart and plot layout options and basic features (such as Scroller, Legend, and Value Highlighter), along with the Column, Line, and OHLC series types. If you are wondering where the technical indicators, other series types, event markers and drawings are, the answer is simple: in our roadmap! Check it out and see that we will catch up very fast. See the roadmap>>

AnyMap 7.7.0 New Features

Map Collection
Without geographical data, it is impossible to create a data visualization related to geographic areas. We are happy to introduce our new Map Collection. For the moment it contains 200+ country maps and one world map. We are planning to extend this collection, and, of course, the ability to create custom maps is available.
See Map Collection CDN Page >>
Take a look at the Map Collection in AnyChart Playground >>
Bubble/Proportion Maps
Bubble maps (also known as Proportion maps) are usually used to display or compare quantitative data related to geographic areas, be it election results, sales statistics per region, or earthquake magnitude.
Take a look at the Map Gallery sample >>
Learn more about Bubble/Proportion maps >>

Read more »

Recap of the Week – 9/21/2015

September 21st, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

In this post you will find a recap of news on data visualization and AnyChart (which we have shared with you this week on AnyChart Facebook Page and here):

Recap of the Week – 9/4/2015

September 4th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

This week we have posted the following news on data visualization and AnyChart:

  • A quick guide demonstrating how to save ‪AnyChart‬ 6 charts as images in Oracle‬ APEX.
  • This interactive map portraying Rennes Metropolis inhabitants is quite enjoyable to play around with. The visualization is based on 18 indicators including location of workplace, marital status, number of cars in the household, and so on. In addition, the initial data were cross-referenced, which makes the picture even more detailed!
  • These two colorful infographics will help you to find out what insect venoms are made of and which insect’s sting is the most painful. But don’t worry – summer is over 🙂
  • How Is Big Data Changing the World? – An article about Big Data in our everyday lives.
  • 13 Helpful Diagrams For People Who Only Care About Cheese – “Knowledge is power: the power to eat more cheese” – there is nothing more to add to this. Enjoy the diagrams!

Recap of the Week – 8/29/2015

August 29th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

This week we have posted on Facebook the following information on data visualization and AnyChart:

  • We have shared a tutorial explaining how to insert AnyChart JavaScript charts into WordPress posts.
  • Android Fragmentation Report – Fragmentation is both a strength and weakness of the Android ecosystem, a headache for developers that also provides the basis for Android’s global reach. This visualization demonstrates the scale of the problem.
  • Mapping Migration in the United States – In this interactive map by The Upshot, you can find detailed information on how often Americans migrate from their states of birth. (Each shape represents where the people living in a state were born. Within a state, larger shapes mean a group makes up a larger share of the population.)
  • How People Engage with Data Visualisations and Why It Matters – An article by Helen Kennedy, Professor of Digital Society at the University of Sheffield, explaining what is visualization literacy and what skills it requires.

AnyChart, AnyMap, and AnyGantt 7.6.0

August 13th, 2015 by Margaret Skomorokh

We are proud to announce 3 new releases – AnyChart 7.6.0, AnyMap 7.6.0, AnyGantt 7.6.0. Our team has been working hard to make our products even more aesthetically pleasing, and now all AnyChart charts have a new modern look and design (See the New Look and Theming feature). We have also added a number of other great improvements, and here are the most important of them:

AnyChart 7.6.0 New Features

All AnyChart products now support the Theming feature which makes customizing and integrating charts easier. With Theming, you can set similar visual and functional settings for all charts without duplicating your code.
Take a look at Gallery samples >>
Learn more about Theming >>
Crosshairs are thin vertical and horizontal lines centered on a data point, which are useful when you want to locate a point precisely on your chart or to analyse data by comparing different charts.
Take a look at a Gallery sample >>
Learn more about Crosshair >>
Pie/Donut Charts are popular, nice-looking, and very easy to understand, and now you can make them even more attractive by adding 3D!
Take a look at Gallery samples >>
Learn more about 3D Pie Chart >>

AnyMap 7.6.0 Features

  • Choropleth Maps provide an easy way to visualize how a measurement varies across a geographic area.
  • Ordinal Color Range looks like several boxes of different colors which depend on the palette chosen according to the type of a map and its data.
  • Quantitative Color Range is a bar colored with a gradient, its colors depend on the palette of a map and its data.
  • Full Compatibility with other Charts – when you need to show any extra information along with a map – no problem! Use AnyMap with any other charts.

AnyGantt 7.6.0 New Features

  • Now a double-click on borders of data grid columns resets their width to the default value.
  • Added the ability to draw the Baseline above the Actual, see API Reference for details.
  • AnyGantt now supports formatting for Data Grid Columns, see API Reference for details.

AnyChart version history:
AnyMap version history:
AnyGantt version history:
Trial download:

P.S. The set of ready-to-use maps is rather small for the moment, but we will add about a hundred maps in a week, and then the list will just keep growing.