Archive for the Stock Charts

Documentation for AnyChart Web Charts: Now Offline

June 17th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh
Documentation for AnyChart Web Charts (Sample)

Good news: now you can download documentation for AnyChart web charts and work with it offline, which is a useful option for anyone with a slow Internet connection. To do it, you should go to, choose AnyChart version in the upper menu, and press the “” button to the right of it. You will get the documentation describing the version of your choice.

AnyChart has a great documentation: for the current version (7.10.1), there are more than 140 articles and almost 900 samples, explaining every aspect of our product and demonstrating how to work with it. You can run all the samples both in JSFiddle and in our PlayGround. Also, you can find an even more detailed description of our charting library in AnyChart API. For more samples, see AnyChart Gallery.

AnyChart JS Framework 7.10.0 Released

April 28th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

Good news! We have released AnyChart 7.10.0 , AnyStock 7.10.0, and AnyMap 7.10.0. Enjoy the cool new features that have been added to the updated version of our JS framework:

AnyChart 7.10.0 New Features

AnyChart TreeMap Chart TreeMap Chart
We are happy to announce that we have added one of the best chart types for showing hierarchical data – TreeMap Chart. It has all the features allowing to create treemap-based solutions: Drill-Down API, Flexible Interactivity Settings, Hint Depth Feature, and smart Labels/Headers display modes. Hierarchical Data Engine allows to add, alter, and search hierarchical data sets.
Take a look at TreeMap Chart in the Gallery >>
Learn more about TreeMap Chart Chart >>
AnyChart Themes Themes
To make it easier to integrate AnyChart Charts in your website or application, and to help you to choose matching colors, we present you with 18 out-of-the-box themes. These themes are based on 13 color palettes, which can be used with or without the themes. You can change or use themes how you like, attuning them to your requirements.
Take a look at Themes Demo >>
Learn more about Themes >>
Save as Excel/CSV/XML/JSON in AnyChart JS Framework Save as Excel/CSV/XML/JSON
We have extended our Export API. Now you can not only export your chart as an image or PDF, but also grab data or configuration settings with these four new methods: saveAsCsv (CSV), saveAsXlsx (Excel), saveAsXml(XML), and saveAsJson (JSON).
Learn more about Export functions >>
Chart Statistics in AnyChart JS Framework Chart Statistics
By popular request, we have made the getStat method available outside of TextFormatter functions: now you have access to statistical data that AnyChart engine calculates any time you want. Please note that you can use statistical data to fine-tune your visualisation or highlight some data points and that it can be done before the chart is drawn.
Learn more about Chart Statistics >>
Context Menu in AnyChart JS Framework Context Menu
Context menu now comes out-of-the-box too. By default, it provides Print, Export, and other commonly used items. You can add your own elements or remove default ones; context menu look is customizable too.
Learn more about Context Menu >>
Keep/Exclude Data Point in AnyChart JS Framework Keep/Exclude Data Point
Exclude/Include Points API and ability to use this API in the context menu allows you and any chart viewer to hide some parts of the chart. You can create complex data mining applications that show more information and make it easier to understand.
Learn more about Keep only/Exclude Data Point >>
Improvements for AnyChart 3D Charts Improvements for 3D Charts
For those of you who like to use 3D charts, we’ve added the Z-Axis Distribution option, animations, and the ability to use hatch fill.
Take a look at 3D Charts in the Gallery >>
Learn more about 3D Charts >>

AnyStock 7.10.0 New Features

10 New Series Types in AnyStock JS Framework 10 New Series Types
Candlestick, Spline, Step Line, Area, Step Area, Spline Area, Marker, Range Column, Range Area, and Range Spline Area series are now available in Stock Charts. All these series can be used in the scroller and technical indicators.
Take a look at Stock Chart types in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Stock Chart types >>
Data Grouping in AnyStock JS Framework Data Grouping
Two new important settings for data grouping are now available: setting maximum number of visible points (the maxVisiblePoints method) and minimum number of pixels per point (the minPixPerPoint method). We have also made it possible to tune data grouping levels.
Learn more about Data Grouping >>
Legend Interactivity in AnyStock JS Framework Legend Interactivity
AnyStock Legend can now be used to show/hide series in Stock Plots and properly handle the mouseClick event. It can be customized using the preventDefault method.
Learn more about Legend Interactivity >>

AnyMap 7.10.0 New Features

AnyMap Dot (Point) Map Dot (Point) Map
The Dot (Point) Map series type has been added to AnyMap. It has the widest application range: showing cities, points of interest, events, creating density maps, and more. In the Dot Distribution Map (also known as Dot Density Map), a dot symbol shows the presence of a feature or phenomenon. Dot maps rely on visual scatters to demonstrate spatial patterns. With AnyMap, you can work with any of predefined marker types, code your own type, or use an image.
Take a look at Dot/Point Maps in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Dot/Point Maps >>
AnyMap Connector Map Connector Map
The Connector Map series type has been added to AnyMap. Connector Maps can be used used to create Flight Maps, Route Maps, Demarcation Maps, and in many other cases.
Take a look at Connector Maps in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Connector Maps >>
Drill Down in AnyMap JS Framework Drill Down
Now you can change detalization level using the Drill Down feature. Source map settings can be preserved when you drill down, or completely reset if needed.
Take a look at Drill Down >>
Learn more about Drill Down >>
Common Map Projections in AnyMap JS Framework Common Map Projections
Now you can show any map in one of the following projections: Aitoff, August, Bonne, Eckert1, Eckert3, Equirectangular, Fahey, Hammer, Mercator, Orthographic, Robinson, Wagner6, and Wsg84. Please be careful when you change the projection – be aware of how map projections work and when it is appropriate to use them.
Take a look at Common Map Projections in the Gallery >>
Learn more about Common Map Projections >>

AnyChart version history:
AnyStock version history:
AnyMap version history:
Trial download of our JS framework:

AnyChart Charting Framework 7.10.0 Coming Soon

April 16th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

Releases announced on our site – AnyChart, AnyStock, and AnyMap 7.10.0 – will be available by the end of April; we are working hard to release the new version of our charting framework as soon as possible. A lot of great and long-awaited features will be added.

In the new version of AnyChart, you will find:

  • TreeMap Charts
  • Save as Excel/CSV
  • Keep Only/Exclude Data Point
  • Context Menu

AnyStock will be updated with:

  • Common Chart Types (Candlestick, Spline, Area, Marker, and more)
  • Legend Interactivity
  • Data Grouping Settings

Finally, the following features will be added to AnyMap:

  • Dot/Point Maps
  • Drill Down
  • Points Connection

AnyChart is a robust JavaScript/HTML5 charting framework combining all major features you need. And we do our best to improve our products even more.

By the way, this week we have posted on AnyChart Facebook Page and in Twitter some interesting data visualizations:

  • The NYPL Map Warper is a tool for digitally aligning (“rectifying”) historical maps from the The New York Public Library’s collections to match today’s precise maps. Visitors can browse already rectified maps or assist the NYPL by aligning a map.
  • How the Rest of the Delegate Race Could Unfold – This interactive delegate calculator by The Upshot lets you simulate how the Republican and Democratic nominating contests could unfold. Adjust the sliders to see how the outcomes can change (each line in the charts represents one possible outcome). The calculator uses each state’s delegate allocation rules, along with estimates of how favorable each district is for each candidate. To compute these estimates, Upshot used a model based on demographics and results from past primaries and caucuses.
  • Markov Chains Explained Visually – Enjoy this interactive visual explanation of Markov Chains. In addition, you can use a Markov chain “playground” to make your own Markov chains by messing around with a transition matrix! Markov chains, named after Andrey Markov, are mathematical systems that hop from one “state” (a situation or set of values) to another.

Investment Portfolio Dashboard by AnyChart Charting Framework

March 26th, 2016 by Margaret Skomorokh

We have added a new dashboard to AnyChart Business Dashboard Solutions – a section of our site with sample dashboards demonstrating how AnyChart charting framework can be applied to various visualization tasks in various industries. Investment Portfolio Dashboard is a sample solution for personal portfolio management, based on data from

Some say that portfolio management is the art and science, which consists of making decisions about investment content combination and policy, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, and balancing risk against performance.

If you want to be perfectly accurate, investment management is the professional asset management of various securities (shares, bonds, and other securities) and other assets (e.g., real estate) in order to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the investors. Investors may be institutions (insurance companies, pension funds, corporations, charities, educational establishments, etc.) or private investors (both directly via investment contracts and more commonly via collective investment schemes e.g. mutual funds or exchange-traded funds).

Or, in plain English, managing investment porfolio is creating a collection of assets that can diminish the risk inherent in stock markets by diversification or avoiding having too many eggs in one basket.

Whatever the case is, any porfolio management must include the following steps: choosing investment horizon and goals, building portfolio, and performance monitoring. Each of the steps needs a dashboard of its’ own, so there are three tabs in our dashboard: Goals, Portfolio, and Performance.

The Goals tab provides a user with a way to mix the portfolio and a way to see the prognosis for it, so there are two charts: a Donut chart and a combination of a Line chart and a Range Area chart. The Portfolio tab shows the mix of the instruments and all basic information about them (here you see the same Donut chart and a table). Finally, in the Performance tab you will find a Stock chart demonrtrating the performance of our investment porfolio.

Using AnyChart, we have created a user-friendly and fast-rendering visualization. To learn how it was done, you can see a detailed tutorial: Creating Investment Portfolio Dashboard. Our dashboard is minimalistic, but it can be easily extended, and it does not matter how much additional information you need to show: our charting framework is flexible enough to cope with any task.