Archive for the Tips and Tricks

How to Build Circle Packing Chart in JavaScript

March 15th, 2022 by Shachee Swadia

Circle Packing Chart Creation in JavaScript: Guide for Data Visualizers and AnalystsA clear step-by-step guide for building an interactive JS Circle Packing Chart to visualize the top 100 most streamed songs on Spotify.

Want to learn to visualize hierarchical data in stunning circle packing charts that can be added to a web page or app in a hassle-free manner? Don’t feel overwhelmed and just follow my stepwise data visualization tutorial! Using a cool example of data on the top 100 most streamed songs on Spotify, I will show you how to easily create and customize a great-looking interactive circle packing chart with JavaScript.

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Building Stock Chart with JavaScript

February 24th, 2022 by Shachee Swadia

Building a Stock Chart with JavaScriptData visualization is vastly applied in various fields. One such domain is financial trading, where stock charts are essential for smart market data analysis and decision making. Whether you invest in stocks or not, I am pretty sure that you have come across such graphics or even might need to build one right now. So, would you like to know how to make a stock chart? I’m ready to show you an easy path using the Tesla stock price data and JavaScript! Come along with me throughout this tutorial and you’ll learn how to quickly create elegant, interactive JS stock charts like the one you see in the picture.

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How to Create Calendar Chart in JavaScript

February 11th, 2022 by Shachee Swadia

Creating a Calendar Chart in JavaScript for a Website, Page or AppA calendar chart is an effective way to represent activity over time graphically. It can nicely display how a quantity varies with the days, weeks, months, and years. If you want to learn to build stylish interactive calendar charts easily using JavaScript, welcome to my step-by-step tutorial!

To make this guide not only educating but also entertaining, I decided to reproduce GitHub’s calendar graph and visualize the repository contribution activity of Mike Bostock, a prominent computer scientist known globally as one of the creators of the open-source JavaScript charting library D3.js and of the interactive data visualization development platform Observable. So, we’ll also get a telling picture of how he performed in that regard!

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Creating Error Chart in JavaScript

February 3rd, 2022 by Shachee Swadia

JavaScript Error Chart of Perceived Threat of COVID-19 by Political AffiliationNeed a cool interactive error chart visualization for your web page or app? Let me be your guide! Follow this tutorial and you’ll learn how to easily create elegant interactive error charts using JavaScript.

Here, I will be visualizing data on COVID-19 threat perceptions in the United States during the first six months of the pandemic, by political affiliation. So you will also be able to explore the divergence in those attitudes between Democrats and Republicans. The data originates from the article “COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy: A longitudinal study” published in the Plos One journal.

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How to Create Sparklines with JavaScript

January 13th, 2022 by Shachee Swadia

Sparkline Chart of Money Heist IMDb Ratings Built with JavaScriptSparklines are elegant microcharts introduced by Edward Tufte, a renowned statistician and data visualization pioneer. Drawn without any axis and occupying minimal space, these tiny graphs are designed to represent the big picture displaying trends in line with text and within table cells. If you want to learn about an easy way of building a sparkline chart, it is the right place!

In this article, I will show you how to quickly create cool sparkline charts using JavaScript. With OTT content ruling the world of entertainment these days, let’s have fun learning and look at the IMDb ratings of one of the most popular shows nowadays — Money Heist (La Casa de Papel in its original Spanish).

Without more ado, come along on this journey of knowledge heist!

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How to Build Surface Chart Using JavaScript

December 15th, 2021 by Shachee Swadia

How to Build a Surface Chart Using JavaScriptData visualization is a must-have skill today with ever-growing data and the need to analyze as well as present that data. You will definitely come across data charts whether you are in the technology industry or not and therefore, it is a good idea to learn how to build visualizations.

I will show you here that building charts is not very tough and with the right tools, you can start creating interactive, interesting visualizations in little time and effort!

In this step-by-step tutorial, I will demonstrate how to represent GDP values of various countries for the past 15 years on a beautiful interactive 3D surface chart using a JavaScript library for data visualization.

The surface plot looks quite complex, but I will show you how straightforward it is to make a compelling and fully functional one.

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How to Make JavaScript Polar Chart

November 11th, 2021 by Shachee Swadia

A JavaScript polar chart making tutorial based on DVS survey dataPolar charts often look impressive, which makes some people think that creating them is a tricky process demanding plenty of skills and expertise. Well, I am going to debunk this myth right now! Let me show you how to easily visualize data in a beautiful interactive JavaScript Polar Chart.

Fundamentally, a polar chart is a variation of a circular graph drawn with polar coordinates. It can also work well to visualize some sorts of categorical data for comparisons, which is exactly the case I want to demonstrate now. In this tutorial, I will build a column polar chart, with the bars growing from the center of the diagram to represent values with their length.

Data Visualization Society (DVS) conducts an annual State of the Industry survey of data viz practitioners, and I thought it could be a great opportunity to play with some of its latest data. In particular, I wanted to look at the most popular technologies used for data visualization based on the responses. So here, I will produce a JS polar chart that plots the top 15 ones, making up a cool illustrative real-world example.

It will be fun — come along, everyone!

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Creating Linear Gauge Chart in JavaScript — Tutorial

October 20th, 2021 by Shachee Swadia

A laptop showing an interactive Linear Gauge Chart explained and created in JavaScript along this data visualization tutorialThis article presents an easy-to-follow guide for building an interactive linear gauge chart in JavaScript.

We’ll show how to quickly create a cool and interactive linear gauge chart that highlights Covid-19 vaccination data around the world. Our chart will allow us to visualize the status of Covid-19 vaccination at the time of writing, and will display two types of data — showing how far away we are from the halfway target of both partially and fully vaccinating the global population.

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Building Word Tree Chart with JavaScript

October 4th, 2021 by Shachee Swadia

Word Tree Chart built with JavaScript HTML5 on a screenData visualization is not only useful for communicating insights but also helpful for data exploration. There are a whole lot of different chart types that are widely used for identifying patterns in data. One of the lesser-used chart types is Word Tree. It is a very interesting visualization form, quite effective in analyzing texts. And right now, I will teach you how to quickly create nice interactive word tree charts using JavaScript.

Word trees display how a set of selected words are connected to other words in text data with a branching layout. These charts are similar to word clouds where words that occur more frequently are shown bigger. But they are different in the sense that word trees also show the connection between the words, which adds context and helps find patterns.

In this tutorial, I will create a lovely word tree from the text of the very famous book The Little Prince by French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Check out a demonstration of the final chart below and keep reading to learn how this and any other interactive JS word tree can be built with ease.

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How to Build Interactive Connector Map with JavaScript

September 21st, 2021 by Shachee Swadia

Building an Interactive Connector Map for a Web Page or App with JavaScript HTML5A connector map is a set of straight or curved lines that link points on a geographical map. It is commonly used to graphically represent routes or any other connections between locations. Would you like to learn how to build an attractive data visualization like that for a web page or app?

Actually, it is easy to create an interactive connector map using JavaScript. And I am ready to show you how right now! Follow along with this tutorial as I depict the cycling path of the 2021 Tour de France in the form of a JS connector map and thoroughly explain all steps.

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