How I Created Sunburst Chart Using JavaScript to Visualize COVID-19 Data
December 8th, 2020 by Shachee SwadiaAlmost recovered from COVID-19 myself these days, I decided to explore how the world is currently doing, during the pandemic. So I created a sunburst chart to see at a glance what continents and countries are more (and less) affected by the coronavirus than others. The process was quick and I thought someone could be interested to learn about how such data visualizations can be built in a pretty straightforward way, even with very little technical skills. So I also made a tutorial. And here I am — (1) sharing my interactive sunburst chart of COVID cases and (2) describing how I created it using JavaScript in a matter of minutes, step by step!
My JS sunburst chart provides an overview of the situation as of November 24, 2020, and also shows the global count, continent-wide data, and country-wise proportions for the current active COVID-19 cases and deaths. Scroll down to explore it by yourself and check out the tutorial along the way. Here is a sneak peek of the final chart to get you excited:
This sunburst charting tutorial is mainly for beginners to data science. So before we get to business, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. I’ll explain what a sunburst chart is and how it works, to start with. Then I’ll show you how to create a cool and colorful interactive visualization like that with JavaScript (and you can do it even if you don’t know it too well). That’s the plan!
Read the JS charting tutorial »
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, Business Intelligence, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
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Fresh Great Data Visualization Projects on Thanksgiving, COVID, and Tree Equity — DataViz Weekly
December 4th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamHey everyone! Continuing to curate the best charts, maps, and infographics from around the Internet, we invite you to meet four fresh great data visualization projects worth checking out.
Today on DataViz Weekly:
- Visualizing the ways the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers were used — Nathan Yau
- Understanding the scale of 250,000 deaths from the coronavirus — The Washington Post
- Finding a correlation between scented candle reviews on Amazon and COVID-19 — Kate Petrova
- Evaluating tree equity in American city neighborhoods — American Forests
- Categories: Data Visualization Weekly
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Power of Data Visualization in Four New Compelling Examples — DataViz Weekly
November 27th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamIf you love good data visualizations, you’ve come to the right place at the right time! Every Friday, we choose the four most interesting projects making good use of charts and maps, from those we have come across out there just lately, and introduce you to them. Here are the visualizations we’re going to tell you about this time on DataViz Weekly:
- (False?) dichotomy between saving lives and saving the economy during the second wave — Michael Smithson on The Conversation
- COVID Resilience Ranking revealing the best and worst places to stay during the pandemic — Bloomberg
- Length of summers in Spain since 1950, by municipality — Predictia
- The most popular Thanksgiving pie in each state — Instagram
- Categories: Data Visualization Weekly
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Mais Hatem Visualizes Reddit Data Using AnyChart JS Charting Library
November 25th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamLeading the data visualization market with the best-in-class solutions, we are always excited to see how not only companies but also individuals from all over the world use them to produce interactive charts in their projects. Here’s one new interesting example we’ve recently learned about. Mais Hatem from Syria, currently an undergraduate at the American University of Beirut (Lebanon), created “Cloud a Subreddit,” a web project that generates a beautiful interactive Word Cloud chart out of any given Reddit’s subreddit with the help of the AnyChart JS library.
We had a quick interview with Mais where she told us more about her work and experience using AnyChart. Check it out.
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, Big Data, HTML5, JavaScript, Success Stories
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New Awesome Visualizations on COVID-19, SDGs, Judges, and Colors — DataViz Weekly
November 20th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamAnother long seven-day wait is over, and DataViz Weekly‘s already here to introduce you to new awesome data visualizations we have met these days around the Web. Let’s see what we’ve got this time!
- COVID-19 growth rates in each U.S. county — Benjamin Schmidt
- World development indicators — The World Bank
- Timelines for new and all current federal judges — ProPublica
- Colors of the U.S. election maps on different media — SBS News
- Categories: Data Visualization Weekly
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Visualizing Data About Energy Mix, Subreddit Posts, Hate Crimes, and McDonald’s Ice Cream Availability — DataViz Weekly
November 13th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamDataViz Weekly is back — check out some of the most interesting third-party data visualization projects we have recently come across! Let’s start with a quick list and then take a closer look at each:
- Electricity generation in America since 2001 — NYT
- Subreddits in word clouds — Mais Hatem
- Hate crimes in the United States — UCLA
- McDonald’s ice cream machine status — Rashiq Zahid
- Categories: Data Visualization Weekly
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How to Create Venn Diagram with JavaScript
November 11th, 2020 by Shachee SwadiaA Venn diagram is a form of data visualization that uses shapes, generally circles, to show the relationships among groups of things. In this chart type, overlapping areas show commonalities while circles that do not overlap show the traits that are not shared.
Introduced by John Venn, an English mathematician, logician, and philosopher, Venn diagrams are also called set diagrams or logic diagrams since they show possible logical relations between elements of different sets. When drawing such charts, we will most probably be dealing with two or three overlapping circles, since having only one circle would be boring, and having four or more circles quickly becomes really complicated.
Not only are these diagrams good visualizations as a concept, but they also provide a great opportunity to represent qualitative data and a bit of graphic humor. Basically, they are easy and fun to build and use. I’ll show you right now!
Read this tutorial to learn how to easily create a visually appealing and informative Venn diagram for your website or app with the help of JavaScript. All the code used and demonstrated along the tutorial will be freely available for you to play with.
During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, with working from home and avoiding food from outside, many of us have become amateur chefs. So, let us use a JS-based Venn diagram to find out what kind of recipe would be the best to try out on a working day — this is going to be a delightful use case to explore!
Read the JS charting tutorial »
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Chart Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
20+ Electoral Maps Visualizing 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Results — DataViz Weekly Special Edition
November 6th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamAll eyes on election maps! Yes, they could be misleading. And even widely misleading. But it can be at least so fascinating to look at them, especially at times like this! So, we have curated a list of over twenty reputable resources — as of now, to be precise, 24 and counting! — where you can watch the live results of the 2020 United States Presidential election in compelling data visualizations. At the same time, it is a great chance for you to investigate and understand how election maps (and some other graphics) can look and work in practice.
💡 See also: 2024 U.S. Election Maps (November 2024).
Vote counts may be different on different platforms and update as more data becomes available out there — it’s absolutely okay. The election results are still partial. Over the coming days, all numbers will be adjusted to match the real, final vote count. Just in case: We’ve added only reliable sources — notable, reputable media outlets.
Without further ado, check out maybe the most important data visualizations these days! (Electoral vote count numbers in the text last updated on November 9th, 2020, for each source.)
- Categories: Data Visualization Weekly, News, Third-Party Developers
Pre-Election Data in Charts and Analysis — DataViz Weekly
October 30th, 2020 by AnyChart TeamWith November 3rd just around the corner, we could not resist the temptation to devote an entire Friday article to the 2020 U.S. election. Indeed, there are many great new data visualization projects on this topic that are worth featuring. Check out some of the most interesting ones in the special pre-election edition of DataViz Weekly:
- Visualizing data about donations to Biden’s and Trump’s campaigns — The New York Times
- Charting the latest Electoral College ratings — The Cook Political Report
- Exploring election forecast correlations — Adam Pearce
- Analyzing search interest in the U.S. election years since 2004 — Truth & Beauty
- Categories: Data Visualization Weekly
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Flippity Uses AnyChart in Word Cloud Visualization Tool
October 26th, 2020 by AnyChart Team
While thousands of companies choose AnyChart to operate interactive data visualization in commercial projects, we are especially proud our charting solutions have been put for good use in education. Here’s a great new case, for example.
Have you heard about Flippity? It is a fascinating free web project providing teachers (and students) with an extremely straightforward way to turn Google Sheets’ spreadsheets into something cool and useful in the education process — flashcards, quizzes, games, timelines, leaderboards, random name pickers, progress indicators, and many other online things. Earlier this year, Flippity added a dedicated tool to create a Word Cloud from a Google spreadsheet, and we are excited it is powered by our JavaScript charting library!
To learn and tell you more about Flippity and their experience using AnyChart JS for data visualization, we had a quick talk with Steve Fortna, a school teacher from Massachusetts and the creator of Flippity. Check out the interview! (Stack: HTML/Google Sheets.)
- Categories: AnyChart Charting Component, HTML5, JavaScript, Success Stories
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