AnyChart News

2019 Year in Charts from World Bank, The Economist, FT, and Business Insider — DataViz Weekly

January 3rd, 2020 by AnyChart Team

2019 Year in Charts from World Bank, The Economist, FT, and Business Insider — DataViz WeeklyHappy New Year everyone! Now that 2020 is finally here, let’s hold on just one moment to take a look back at 2019. In the first DataViz Weekly post of this new year, we highlight four cool “Year in Charts” stories from the World Bank, The Economist, Financial Times, and Business Insider. Check them out to remember what 2019 was like.

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Readership, NBA, Color, and Christmas Data Visualizations — DataViz Weekly

December 27th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Readership, NBA, Color, and Christmas Data Visualizations — DataViz WeeklyMerry Christmas to all who celebrate it! On the last Friday of 2019, we invite you to check out the year’s last DataViz Weekly article on AnyChart Blog, highlighting some of the most interesting charts published at the end of the year. Of course, we could not help featuring some Christmas data graphics in this festive week. But here you will also learn about projects with cool charts on other subjects. Here’s a list of what the data visualizations shown in today’s DataViz Weekly are about:

  • Where American Christmas trees come from — The Washington Post
  • Top news stories of 2019 by readership — The Economist
  • NBA players’ performance against pay — The Pudding
  • Colors on Scientific American’s covers over 175 years of the magazine’s life — Scientific American

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Visual Data Analytics on Protests, GDP, Opinions, and Weather — DataViz Weekly

December 20th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Visual Data Analytics on Protests, GDP, Opinions, and Weather — DataViz WeeklyVisual data analytics with the help of charts and maps as efficient graphical presentation forms can quickly bring a lot of insight into mere numbers. We’ve curated some more examples from all over the web to illustrate this. See our new DataViz Weekly selection of great recently-published projects featuring data visualization in action:

  • Street protests in the United States — Alyssa Fowers
  • American GDP by county — Bloomberg
  • Topical issues for U.S. voters — The Upshot, The New York Times
  • Weather observations in old ship logbooks — Reuters

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Cool Charts on Housing, Climate, Jobs, and Economy — DataViz Weekly

December 13th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Cool Charts on Housing, Climate, Jobs, and Economy — DataViz WeeklyWe know you love good data visualizations. So what we have here for you today is a presentation of new cool charts we’ve found this week. Look at the fresh examples of awesome data graphics, in DataViz Weekly:

  • U.S. metropolitan growth — Zillow
  • Climate change in Germany — Zeit Online
  • Changes in job distribution in America — FlowingData
  • Canada’s economy chartapalooza — Maclean’s Magazine

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Beautiful Visualizations of Data About Election, Pollution, NBA, and Snow — DataViz Weekly

December 6th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Beautiful Visualizations of Data About Election, Pollution, NBA, and Snow — DataViz WeeklyToday is Friday, which means we are ready to present four new cool examples of beautiful visualizations we came across just recently surfing the web. Look through a quick list of the projects featured this time in DataViz Weekly and do not hesitate to check them out right away:

  • 2015 and 2017 United Kingdom general election results (2019 on the way soon) — The Economist
  • Air pollution worldwide and in your city — The New York Times
  • NBA win probability box scores — inpredictable
  • Probability of a white Christmas across the United States of America — NOAA

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Information Graphics Examples for Data About Primaries, Prices, Flu, and Thanksgiving — DataViz Weekly

November 29th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Information Graphics Examples for Primaries, Prices, Flu, and Thanksgiving — DataViz WeeklyHardly a day goes by without new visualizations appearing around the internet, providing insight into data about various things, big and small. Every week, we curate some of the most interesting ones to meet you with them within the framework of our regular DataViz Weekly feature. Enjoy and get inspired by information graphics examples on the following subjects in our new selection of cool visual data projects:

  • Preferential polling for the Democratic presidential primaries — Swayable
  • Rent prices in Germany — Zeit Online
  • Flu season in the United States — athenaInsight
  • Thanksgiving harvest origins — Esri’s StoryMaps team

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Charting Salaries, Earthquakes, Housing, and Coffee Shops — DataViz Weekly

November 22nd, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Charting Salaries, Earthquakes, Housing, and Coffee Shops — DataViz WeeklyJoin us as we praise new amazing data visualization projects from around the web. These are cool examples dedicated to charting salaries, earthquakes, housing history, and coffee shop locations. Look what DataViz Weekly has to showcase today:

  • Salaries across occupations in the United States — FlowingData
  • Earthquakes worldwide, with exaggerated depth — Raluca Nicola
  • History of Moscow housing — Strelka Mag
  • Coffee shops in America and worldwide — Thinknum

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Charting Data About Retirement Savings, Warren’s Plans, California Housing, and UK Election — DataViz Weekly

November 15th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Charting Data About Retirement Savings, Warren Plans, California Housing, and UK Election — DataViz WeeklyIt’s Friday, which means we are ready to share with you new awesome examples of charting in action. Look how powerful the right visualization can be when one needs to explore or communicate various statistics. Here’s a quick list of the projects presented in this new DataViz Weekly post — we’ve found them out there these days:

  • Saving for retirement in the United States — FlowingData
  • Costs of Elizabeth Warren’s policy plans — The New York Times
  • Housing crisis in California — Bloomberg
  • Voting intentions before the 2019 United Kingdom general election — CNBC

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Visual Data Analysis in Action with Examples on Laugh, DST, Science, and Health — DataViz Weekly

November 8th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Visual Data Analysis in Action with Examples on Laugh, DST, Science, and Health — DataViz WeeklyVisual data analysis can be extremely helpful when you need to make sense of large amounts of diverse information. Check out several new striking examples! The four projects in the spotlight of today’s DataViz Weekly roundup have been made public just about now and we are glad to introduce them to you right now:

  • Laughing online — The Pudding
  • DST gripe assistant tool — Andy Woodruff
  • 150 years of papers — Nature
  • Global health security — JHU, NTI, and EIU

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Information Graphics About Friends, Birds, Savings, and Pollution — DataViz Weekly

November 1st, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Information Graphics About Friends, Birds, Savings, and Pollution — DataViz WeeklyTake a look at four cool information graphics projects we’ve recently come across around the web and decided to feature this time in the DataViz Weekly series:

  • Travels, events, and relationships in the Friends TV series — Marion Rouayroux, IIB Awards
  • North American birds at risk from climate change — Audubon
  • Assets and debt in the United States by age group — FlowingData
  • Aggravating air pollution in Louisiana’s “Cancer Alley” — ProPublica

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