AnyChart News

Trump Tweets, Big Mac Index, California Wildfires, Mid-Range Shots in NBA — DataViz Weekly

January 18th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Trump Tweets, Big Mac Index, California Wildfires, Mid-Range Shots in NBA, in DataViz Weekly on AnyChart JS Charts BlogTake a look at some of the cool data visualization examples that appeared on the web just recently! The new article in the DataViz Weekly series features interesting, inspiring projects about words in Trump tweets, destiny of mid-range shots in NBA games, relative value of the world currencies according to the latest Big Mac Index data, and 100+ years of wildfires in California. Also, don’t miss out on an exciting news in the concluding part.

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Cool Data Stories and Reports with Visualizations — DataViz Weekly

January 11th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Cool Data Stories and Reports with Visualizations — DataViz WeeklyCheck out some more interesting visualizations in cool data stories and reports from the last year. We’ve never put them on DataViz Weekly, but now is still a good time to do that. Today, we are glad to feature nice projects about happiness and prosperity around the world, as well as about stock market volatility and mapping tree canopy.

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Year in Review in Graphics from Top U.S. Publications — DataViz Weekly

January 4th, 2019 by AnyChart Team

Year in Review in Graphics from Top U.S. Publications, in DataViz WeeklyHappy New Year, everyone! 2019 is already here. But while we still feel the proximity of the last year, let’s take another look back. 2018 brought us numerous interesting visual stories based on data and graphics. For this year’s first DataViz Weekly, we’ve put together year-in-review projects of the graphics teams at four leading media publications in the U.S. (we are a U.S. based company, right): The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The L.A. Times, and The Washington Post. Check out some of the key facts, trends, and findings of 2018 in their top picks.

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Best Data Visualizations of 2018 — DataViz Weekly

December 28th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Best data visualizations of the year 2018 in DataViz WeeklyThe last days of 2018 are a great time to look back at these 12 months. The year’s final issue of DataViz Weekly is here to familiarize you with four cool selections of the best data visualizations that show the picture of 2018, curated by four major media outlets: POLITICO, Recode, The Economist, and Fast Company. Take a quick look at the lists and check out the charts.

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New Interesting Charts on China’s Rise, Top B-Schools, NFL, and Food Categorization — DataViz Weekly

December 21st, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New Interesting Charts on China's Rise, Top B-Schools, NFL, and Food Categorization — DataViz WeeklyGet ready for another portion of new interesting charts from around the web! Here’s what topics are covered in the data visualization projects that have made it to DataViz Weekly this time:

  • China as a trade Leviathan;
  • top business schools in America and worldwide;
  • NFL playoff paths for each team;
  • food categorization as a sandwich, salad, or soup.

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Visualizing Data About Occupations, Airfares, Patents, and Porn — DataViz Weekly

December 14th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Visualizing Data About Occupations, Airfares, Patents, and Porn — DataViz WeeklyDataViz Weekly is here to tell you about new web projects and articles that feature interesting data graphics. This time, we showcase charts and infographics visualizing data about occupations of single earners in couple households in America, companies winning patent wars, change in air ticket prices globally, and Pornhub trends in 2018.

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New Cool Data Visualizations on Emissions, Climate, Travel, and Music — DataViz Weekly

December 7th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New Cool Data Visualizations on Emissions, Climate, Travel, and Music — DataViz WeeklyTake a look at new cool data visualizations recently published on the web. In today’s DataViz Weekly, we are glad to feature interesting information graphics from the Global Carbon Project, BBC News, Berliner Morgenpost, and Vivid Seats, dedicated to the following subjects:

  • carbon dioxide emissions;
  • current state of climate change;
  • top 2018 summer travel destinations for Germans;
  • top music genres and artists in NYC by neighborhood.

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New DataViz About Dating, TV Shows, Populists, and School Safety — DataViz Weekly

November 30th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New DataViz About Dating, TV Shows, Populists, and School Safety — DataViz WeeklyData visualization is a wonderful way to represent data for intuitive, insightful exploration. The following new dataviz works we’ve found are actually good examples to prove this point.

Today on Data Visualization Weekly:

  • dating pool by age;
  • TV shows in IMDb user ratings;
  • rise of populist parties in Europe;
  • safety on the roads around American schools.

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Interesting Data Visualization Projects About Thanksgiving, Air, Greenery, and Rape Clearance — DataViz Weekly

November 23rd, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Interesting Data Visualization Projects About Thanksgiving, Air, Greenery, and Rape Clearance — DataViz WeeklyHappy Thanksgiving holiday! While the traditional Black Friday rush is getting into the full swing, we hope you can spare a minute to check out new interesting data visualization projects. Let’s see a list of what’s featured this time on DataViz Weekly and without more ado proceed to the charts:

  • years lost due to air pollution;
  • urban greenery in Cardiff and Newport;
  • rape case clearance rates across the United States;
  • Thanksgiving holiday trends.

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Data Analysis Through Visualization in New Examples: Citywide Migration, Cost of Living, #JobsNotMobs, Urban Evolution — DataViz Weekly

November 16th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Data Analysis Through Visualization in New Examples: Citywide Migration, Cost of Living, #JobsNotMobs, Urban Evolution — DataViz WeeklyWith visualization, data analysis can get easier, faster, and more insightful. In this DataViz Weekly article, we’ll share a few more interesting practical examples we’ve recently come across:

  • internal migration paths in Barcelona;
  • cost of living in the United States;
  • #JobsNotMobs meme transition onto a slogan;
  • urban evolution of Brasilia.

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