AnyChart News

2018 Midterm Election Results in Data Visualization — DataViz Weekly

November 9th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

2018 Midterm Election Results in Data Visualization — DataViz WeeklyThe 2018 midterm election in the United States of America has been among the hottest topics on the media agenda for quite a long time. Various publications were covering the course of the House, Senate, and governor campaigns, sharing forecasts from analysts, and so on. Now that voting is over, all eyes are on the outcome.

Today’s DataViz Weekly will show you how several prominent publications communicated the results of the midterms to their readers with the help of data visualization techniques: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, and The Guardian. So get ready for a lot of choropleth maps! But not only.

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New Visualizations of Data on Subreddits, Voters, Population, and Health — DataViz Weekly

November 2nd, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New Visualizations of Data on Subreddits, Voters, Population, and Health — DataViz WeeklyHey everyone! We’ve gone through a number of new visualizations this week and selected four interesting projects to feature on DataViz Weekly today:

  • the most commented subreddits over years;
  • voter turnout in the United States;
  • population density as terrain;
  • years lost to leading death causes across the United Kingdom.

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Interactive Graphics Visualizing Skills, Crop Fields, Midterms, and Space Launches — DataViz Weekly

October 26th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Interactive Graphics Visualizing Skills, Crop Fields, Midterms, and Space Launches — DataViz WeeklyPresenting data in the form of interactive graphics helps to make its exploration more convenient and insightful. In our new DataViz Weekly post, we’ll tell you about another four interesting visualization examples illustrating this.

Today on DataViz Weekly:

  • visual taxonomy of skills;
  • map of AI-detected fields and crops in the U.S. and Europe;
  • ORACLE of Blair — a midterms prediction model from high school students;
  • chart of all space launches since 1957.

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Charting Projects About Population, Voting, Traffic, and Buildings — DataViz Weekly

October 19th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Charting Projects About Population, Voting, Traffic, and Buildings — DataViz WeeklyAnother seven-day wait is over, and a new DataViz Weekly issue is here! This time, we offer you to look at the following interesting charting projects:

  • U.S. population projections through 2060;
  • House of Representatives elections from 1840;
  • Calgary traffic incident prediction;
  • every building in America.

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Interesting Data Visualization Examples About Elections, Diversity, and Words — DataViz Weekly

October 12th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Interesting Data Visualization Examples About Elections, Diversity, and Words — DataViz WeeklyCheck out some of the new interesting data visualization examples on a range of topics from all over the web.

Today in DataViz Weekly:

  • European Parliament elections;
  • racial diversity in the United States, block by block;
  • good and bad words;
  • Brazilian general elections.

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DataViz Projects About Cities, Opportunity, Mortality, and Migration — DataViz Weekly

October 5th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

DataViz Projects About Cities, Opportunity, Mortality, and Migration — DataViz WeeklyRead the first October issue of Data Visualization Weekly to learn about four interesting dataviz projects that have recently come to light:

  • city road networks visualized as corals;
  • U.S. Opportunity Atlas;
  • top 10 causes of death over years;
  • human migration routes that are most dangerous.

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Mapping Data About Cancer, Nobel Physicists, Rain, and Fall Foliage — DataViz Weekly

September 28th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Mapping Data About Cancer, Nobel Physicists, Rain, and Fall Foliage — DataViz WeeklyToday’s DataViz Weekly article highlights new beautiful map visualizations, demonstrating how mapping data can help to get geographical insights such as spatial trends, clusters, and so on:

  • Australian Cancer Atlas;
  • lifetime movements of Nobel Prize laureates in physics;
  • U.S. summer rain levels;
  • fall foliage prediction across the U.S.

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Captivating Visualizations of Data About Recipe Ingredients, Social Connectedness, Decade Since Financial Crisis, and U.S. Government Spending — DataViz Weekly

September 21st, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Captivating Visualizations of Data About Recipe Ingredients, Social Connectedness, Decade Since Financial Crisis, and U.S. Government Spending — DataViz WeeklyTake a look at another four new interesting projects with captivating visualizations that we’ve come across just about now. As always happens on DataViz Weekly, we start with a quick list of topics and then get straight down to the show:

  • food ingredients by cuisine;
  • social connectedness across the United States;
  • ten years since the 2008 global financial crisis;
  • U.S. federal government spending from 1962 to 2023.

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New Data Visualizations About Swedish Election, U.S. Cropland, Hurricanes, and Night Lights — DataViz Weekly

September 14th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New Data Visualizations About Swedish Election, U.S. Cropland, Hurricanes, and Night Lights — DataViz WeeklyYay, it’s DataViz Weekly time again! Here’s what new data visualizations we’ve recently found around the web and decided to share with you now:

  • Swedish general election results;
  • American cropland’s shift away from diversity;
  • climate change and hurricanes;
  • world cities’ night lights visualized as terrain.

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Interesting Data Graphics About Warming, Debt, Commuting, and China — DataViz Weekly

September 7th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Interesting Data Graphics About Warming, Debt, Commuting, and China — DataViz WeeklyCheck out the new issue of DataViz Weekly on the AnyChart blog, showing you four interesting data graphics-based stories and projects on the following topics:

  • how much hotter your hometown is than when you were born;
  • global debt;
  • commute times in U.S. cities;
  • China as an aspiring superpower.

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