AnyChart News

New Cool Data Visualization Works in Recap – DataViz Weekly

January 26th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New Cool Data Visualization Works in Recap – DataViz WeeklyCheck out another recap of new cool data visualization examples within the framework of our DataViz Weekly feature!

As always, let’s start with a quick list of what we’ve prepared for your review this time:

  • how different groups of Americans live;
  • analyzing broadband data (and what can go wrong);
  • support for populist right parties in European countries;
  • 10 charts showing the rapid growth of AI.

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Interactive Visualization and Chart Projects Nicely Presenting Interesting Data – DataViz Weekly

January 19th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Interactive Visualization and Chart Projects Nicely Presenting Interesting Data – DataViz WeeklyDataviz is a wonderful, powerful tool that helps us perceive the information better. From simple static charts to impressive complex interactive visualization projects, various solutions can be useful to communicate and study trends and big pictures as well as to drill down to specific details, depending on the situation and objectives.

Follow Data Visualization Weekly on our blog to see some good examples of dataviz and how it assists in revealing something hidden and telling interesting stories.

Here’s what we are featuring this time:

  • 2 words for tea in the world (tea if by sea, cha if by land);
  • how technology companies own your typical day;
  • US Federal Reserve’s new data visualization tools;
  • interactive visualization of the blockchain technology.

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Data Story and Visualization Examples Worth Seeing – DataViz Weekly

January 12th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

Data Story and Visualization Examples Worth Seeing – DataViz WeeklyHi there! Welcome to the new Data Visualization Weekly post! We’ve gathered another four interesting visualizations and data story examples that we hope you’ll like.

Today in DataViz Weekly:

  • Options to Visualize Uncertainty in Data
  • Renewing Inequality: Data Story, 1950s-1960s
  • More and Less Effective US School Districts
  • Investing in Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies

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New 2018 Year Is Here! Take Another Look Back at 2017 in Charts – DataViz Weekly

January 5th, 2018 by AnyChart Team

New 2018 Year Is Here! Take Another Look Back at 2017 in Charts – DataViz WeeklyYay! We are already living in the new 2018 year! And may it bring you plenty of success, joy and happiness!

In the meantime, we at AnyChart continue our Data Visualization Weekly series of articles devoted to some of the interesting data visualization projects and standalone charts and infographics we’ve recently come across. This time, let’s recall the last year once again and see how it looked for:

  • the teaching profession,
  • UK citizens,
  • energy and
  • Apple.

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Data Visualization in 2017: Highlights – DataViz Weekly

December 30th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Data Visualization in 2017: Highlights – DataViz Weekly
The new 2018 year is coming very soon, and now is a great time to look back and remember the highlights from data visualization in 2017.

A few words about our solutions to start with. After the very productive year of 2016, we at AnyChart JS Charts did a lot in 2017, too. 4 major releases full of new features! After versions 7.13.0 and 7.14.0, we launched the brand new, 8th generation of our JavaScript charting libraries, featuring a modular system and custom JS builder (8.0.0). In December 2017, we released AnyChart 8.1.0. In addition, we published a number of plugins (for Qlik, Android, Angular, Ionic and more) and technical integration samples for popular technology stacks, released Chartopedia and the brand new Playground with a whole bunch of chart examples added to our documentation, API reference and galleries. And even more.

A lot of great charts and infographics were created in 2017 by various people and companies from around the world. In the present, this year’s last Data Visualization Weekly post, we’ll tell you about 4 year-in-review articles featuring the most interesting visualizations of 2017:

  • 10 Best Projects in Data Visualization in 2017 — FlowingData.
  • Quartz: Top 5 Charts in 2017, According to Reddit — Quartz.
  • Year of 2017 in 12 Charts — The World Bank.
  • 17 Striking Findings in 2017 — Pew Research.

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Compelling Charts Visualizing Data That Matter – DataViz Weekly

December 22nd, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Compelling Charts Visualizing Data That Matter. DataViz WeeklyIn fact, charts visualizing data are greatly helpful in revealing trends and patterns in this data. That’s why we love dataviz and continue Data Visualization Weekly, our regular blog feature showcasing interesting examples of charts and infographics.

Today in DataViz Weekly:

  • US police shoot people more than twice as often as anyone could think;
  • charts visualizing data about protein variation;
  • marine traffic map showing the location of all major commercial ships worldwide;
  • visualizing big gains in curbing the oil output in OPEC and its ally countries.

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Various Data Represented in Interesting Visualizations – DataViz Weekly

December 15th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Various Data Represented in Interesting Visualizations – DataViz WeeklyData visualization is a great thing. It helps humans make sense of various data that’s all around. And we are glad to continue to share with you good dataviz examples on a regular basis, in the Data Visualization Weekly feature on our blog.

So, the new weekly article is here! Look what data visuals we are presenting this time:

  • first and business class air travel flow between key global cities;
  • the largest employers in every state of the US;
  • gender diversity in undergraduate classes across MIT;
  • Bitcoin capitalization and market share.

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DataViz’s Growth in Popularity and How It Is Being Applied in Different Areas – Data Visualization Weekly

December 8th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

DataViz's Growth in Popularity and How It Is Being Applied in Different AreasHello DataViz Weekly readers! Today we will take a look at data visualization’s growth in popularity and how it has been applied in several areas.

This article showcases the following visualizations:

  • What chart types, books and tools are most popular in Google search (and how the interest has changed).
  • An interactive map revealing deadly air pollution levels across Europe in real time.
  • A simple and creative visualization showing the top US graduate business schools.
  • An interactive 3D earth map showing how melting glaciers and rising sea levels could destroy some of our cities in the future.

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Brilliant Data Visuals Providing Insights into a Variety of Issues – DataViz Weekly

December 1st, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Brilliant Data Visuals Providing Insights into a Variety of Issues – DataViz WeeklyHello reader, it’s nice to have your attention once again. Today we present to you another DataViz Weekly post, comprising a range of brilliant data visuals, showing different data revolving around four different issues to tell stories about them. In this article, we take a closer look at:

  • Some reasons why many people quit their job and where they go after resigning.
  • The significance of investing in college education.
  • How the internet has impacted the market for sex.
  • The relationship between income, life expectancy and health, based on a recent survey carried out in Europe.

The simple charts below will help you understand the data, get new insights into these four areas and see some hidden patterns as well as trends in each one of them. So, let’s get started right away.

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Cool Data Visuals Displaying Employee Diversity in Major US Newsrooms and Other Interesting Data – DataViz Weekly

November 24th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Cool Data Visuals Showing Employee Diversity in Major US Newsrooms and Other Interesting Data – DataViz WeeklyHere’s the new DataViz Weekly post. It brings to light four cool data visuals on the following areas:

  • employee diversity in the major US newsrooms;
  • daily routines of different groups of Americans;
  • outlook of Britain’s property market;
  • new revelations about “hidden” variability in how cancer cells respond to drugs.

Without wasting any more time, let’s go straight to these data visualizations!

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