AnyChart News

Interactive Data Visualization Examples (Mid-April): New Peculiar Charts and Maps in DataViz Weekly

April 14th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Tired after another workweek? Then now is a great time to lean back and relax and take a quick look at yet another set of interactive data visualization examples! We have shared these visualizations on social networks just recently. They got pretty much attention of our followers (and beyond). So their way to Data Visualization Weekly on the AnyChart blog was quite quick and simple.

Today we are presenting you with interactive visualizations of meteor streams, lynchings in America, JS quadrant chart of top 30 countries by quality of life plotted also according to their pollution indexes, and educational attainment in the United States.

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Stacked Bar Charts Explained, Vizzies 2017 Winners, Global Temperature Graph, Map of Sea Level Rise | DataViz Weekly

March 31st, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Stacked Bar Charts Explained, Vizzies 2017 Winners, Global Temperature Graph, Map of Sea Level Rise: Data Visualization Weekly March 24, 2017 - March 31, 2017
Today is the 13th Friday of the 2017 year, and another weekend is coming! In the meantime, we invite you to enjoy another portion of last week’s notable works in the data visualization field. The first highlight here is the article about stacked bar charts and how to use them, written by our Data Visualization Expert Vitaly Radionov specifically for Smashing Magazine. After briefing you on that, we’ll also take a look at this year’s winners of the Vizzies Challenge, a graph of global temperature change from 2500 BC to 2040 AD, and a (scary) map visualization of the sea level rise expected in the (near?) future.

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US Military Expenditure Charts, Resource Management Chart, Color in DataViz | Data Visualization Weekly

March 24th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

US Military Expenditure Charts, Resource Management Chart, Color in DataVizIn today’s Data Visualization Weekly issue, you’ll find another set of eye-catching dataviz examples shared and discussed on media within the last seven days. The current issue highlights several visualizations of America’s military expenditure, bus schedule as a chart for resource management, and explanation on how to use color in data visualization to the best effect.

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Data Visualization Weekly: Recent Popular Interesting Charts, Maps, and Infographics

March 3rd, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Recently Popular Interesting Charts, Maps and Infographics in Data Visualization WeeklyWe are back with another collection of interesting charts, maps and infographics being popular lately. As you probably noticed, our Data Visualization Weekly series took a short break. In fact, no new issue came out last week. But the reason is simple and (hopefully) excusable. In fact, we were working really hard to get things done with the exciting major 7.13.0 update that our JavaScript charting libraries has received earlier this week.

Now the source code of AnyChart, AnyMap, AnyStock and AnyGantt is open. Plugins for all popular JS frameworks are available. And all the new features from the 7.13.0 release work great. That means we can finally get back to you to showcase new data visualizations that people followed most on our TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn accounts over the last days. Moreover, the current issue of Data Visualization Weekly will cover the last two weeks instead of just one, to reimburse you for the delay. So, let’s take a look at the following great visual pieces now:

  • Most Popular Girl Scout Cookies;
  • History of Global Living Conditions in Interesting Charts;
  • Interactive Map of Popular Surfing Areas in France;
  • Most Popular Brands in Each Country;
  • PERT Chart of Airplane Design Process;
  • Revealing Age of Buildings in New York City.

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Data Visualization Weekly: Interactive Dashboard of US States and More

February 17th, 2017 by AnyChart Team

Data Visualization Weekly: Interactive Dashboard, Maps, ChartsData Visualization Weekly presented by AnyChart is here! In this new issue, we are glad to show you an interactive dashboard as well as maps and charts in another collection of the best and most followed dataviz masterpieces that we shared on Facebook and Twitter over the course of the last week. These include:

  • Interactive Dashboard of US States
  • Is Donald Trump’s Wall Necessary?
  • Finding the Cleanest Restaurants in NYC
  • Early Maps and Infographics of the 1800s

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